Ufo sighted yesterday

    • [PDF File]Morocco September 19, 1976


      • subject: request for info, unidentified flying objects • 1. yesterday, the 23rd of september, col housni benslimane, • commander of the royal gendarmerie, requested to see me at ... had himself sighted the ufo while returning from the city of kenitra at about 0115 in the morning. he described the ufo as flying parallel to the

    • [PDF File]NICAP


      airmen yesterday reported see- ing a small "white. rounded, J delta-shaped object" flying at 601 to 80 miles an h"tur over Corn. munist territory. An official Tntetlígence report f Isaid the sighting was made ;north of "Pork Chop" and "Old I Baldy" HjJ}s. where heavy fight- ing has raged the past few days. The airmen incl tided Lieut. Jack E ...



      public yesterday. "Harry Robertson, manager of an Oakdale department store, told The Times yes­ terday he sighted the unidentified object while on a fishing trip to Bistineau on April 25th. "'It looked to be about 200 feet long, bigger than a house,' said Robertson, 'and it was blood-red.

    • Identity Is Simple - JSTOR

      "UFO" (Unidentified Flying Object). We do not know what a UFO is (what it does, where it comes from, etc.). This "is" need not be an "is" of identity relation: it may as well be an "is" of predication. If you have determined that the flying object sighted in Albuquerque yesterday was a spaceship from Mars, then you may be said

    • [PDF File]ARTICLES .pl


      Write UFO sighted not: An unidentified flying object was seen. 2. Try to rewrite the following sentences into headlines, applying the theory above. 1. The prisoners' protest at the Tryall jail has ended. ... Hospital in London yesterday, to the 2) happy cheers of medical staff and representatives of the charity which raised the money for the ...

    • [PDF File]1947 June24th-July 6th - CUFOS


      Washington yesterday afternoon in search of a missing marine plane, stoppedhereenrouteto Boisetodaywith anunusualstorywhichhedoesn'texpect people to believe but which he declared wastrue. Hesaid he sighted nine saucer-like aircraftflying in formationat3pmyester day, extremely bright - as If they were nickel-plated- and flying at an Immense



      Beach yesterday before breakmg'men todav agreed that the ob-up into iT'Jectwas to *e samf PosiUon as speeding away. Deputy Fred Gunzelman of the Harbor Department in Corona del ... SIGHTED EY A TOTAL OF THREI ADUIT5 AND TWO CHILDRED. RELEASE 07 VI BALLONS IN THIS AREA DO NOT COINCIDE WITH TIKE Or Sl6KTlll6-EAii0W"HtliAJ5ED AT'ffSMZ, TIME OF

    • [PDF File]www.ufosnw.com


      last sighted, on a hill behind the Renton King of King's Church. The pastor of this church had been previously asked by another witness to view an earlier appearance of the "bright light". For the preceding three weeks some hundreds of residents of the South Seattle area, which includes the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the Kent (Boeing)

    • [PDF File]%)ufOrq


      4 ufO encounter The December-January period of 2006-2007 has been the quietest on record in terms of UFO sightings in the Queensland region. This could be attributable to a number of factors, from the skies being unnaturally overcast for this time of year, to the possibility that our visitors were busy, well, elsewhere. And,

    • 125 Years Ago, UFOs Were Spotted Across Area

      Among the most noteworthy sightings in Illinois was an incident involving three men on a farm one mile north of Nilwood at 2:30 p.m. on April 13, 1897.

    • [PDF File]ATS POTKTH


      I an Borry to have bothered you yesterday evening with the *mexplained sighting*. A restrained and sober report from tin s Risible men lent-the-occurrence-mo re gravity than might other— wise have bsen. the. case, and so* since that one afternoon of ail afternoons we had neither aircraft nor ship-available* I thought

    • [PDF File]ufx home


      official confirmed yesterday that "flyin saucers" really ex'st but actual y are hug. plastic balloons used in high altitude cosmic ray studies. Dr. Urner Liddel. chief of the nuclear physics branch of the of- flce of naval research, made this disclosure in an article in the cur- rent magazine. Liddel, in Washington. diMunsa the Story further when

    • [PDF File]Título: Preparação de unidade didática


      Beliefs that some unidentified flying objects are of extraterrestrial origin, along with ... You don’t realize that you has been/have been sick since yesterday i) It hasn´t rained/haven´t rained since last month ... the creature was first sighted by three women ranging from 14 to 21 years old: sisters Liliane and Valquíria Fátima Silva ...



      ing was on November 6th], five fishermen reported seeing a UFO about ten miles offthe coast ofSarakan which i.s an important oil field. The object changed its shape into that of a cigar and dove directly into the sky while discharging a white foamy sub­ stance from portholes located on its rim." (xx.) (xx.) Salatun, Col. J.

    • [PDF File]Hertfordshire Constabulary Reported Incidents concerning ...


      Drone sighted on Flight Path 1 Flying Drone over 1000ft 1 Light Aircraft/Drone flying low 1 Object at 8000Ft 1 Property Lost / Found 6 Drone 1 Drone landed in Garden 1 Found a Drone 1 Found Drone in Garden 1 Property Lost/Found 1 Stolen Drone found here 1 Theft - Other 2 Theft of Drone 1 Took Money and Drone 1 Concern for Welfare 2 Drone ...

    • [PDF File]Diction Demons - Writing for the Web


      The pilot said he had sighted a UFO. SITE: location. They chose a controversial site for the shopping mall. Please visit our Web site for the details. ... We drove farther today than we did yesterday. FURTHER: additional, to help forward. For further information, please consult the prospectus.

    • [PDF File]Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena


      This preliminary report is provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in response to the provision in Senate Report 116-233, accompanying the Intelligence



      frustrated UFO research since businessman-pilot, Ken Arnold sighted nine saucer-like things over Mt. Ranier in 1947. Proof! Its implications burden all of us who try to convince the skeptic that unidentified objects, flying under apparent intelligent control, have intruded into Earth’s air space and sometimes allegedly land and, on rare ...

    • [PDF File]Bruce S. Maccabee


      "we have a report on the object sighted by pete conrad over tananarive yesterday on the 18th revolution.** it has been identified by norad as the proton 3 satellite. since proton 3 was more than 450 km from gemini 11 it is unlikely that any photographs would show more than a point of light."



      UFO Research Association, 2003‐2008) Keith found two original 1954 files on the Nowra Incident in ... have not been seen since 1973 and have never been sighted by civilian researchers. Whether they have been destroyed or just misfiled is anyone's guess, although Keith Basterfield is still trying to find ... Australian Navy Pilot in the Argus ...

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