Uiuc commencement

    • [PDF File]GRADUATION/COMMENCEMENT - UIUC College of Fine and …


      GRADUATION/COMMENCEMENT Graduation Checklist Notify Your College of Office of Your Intent to Graduate by the 10th day of class of the semester that you plan to graduate by adding yourself to the graduation list. Visit Self-Service and click “Graduation” tab.

      university of illinois graduation



      UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SENATE . Senate Committee on Educational Policy (Final; Action) EP.15.07 2019-2020 Academic Calendar . The following 2019-2020 Academic Calendar is formulated in accordance with Synopsis of Policies Governing the Academic Calendar at UIUC, adopted December 5, 2005. It is presented for action.

      university of illinois graduation dates

    • [PDF File]Graduation - University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


      information can be found on the Commencement Academic Attire Page. College of Fine and Applied Arts, Bachelor’s tassels —BROWN Caps/Gowns for Bachelor Candidates —UIUC Custom Regalia, Blue Master of Music Hood — PINK with BLACK tassel Master of Music Education Hood — …

      uiuc 2020 commencement

    • [PDF File]U of I Commencement Speech copy - Illinois Chemistry


      University of Illinois Commencement Speech (Department of Chemistry) May 17, 2009 Jay R. Luly, ‘78 Thank you very much for the kind introduction. Would you mind repeating that to my children? On a personal note, I have two teenage children plus and minus 1 year of high school graduation.

      university of illinois 2020 graduation dates

    • [PDF File]University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Spring 2013 ...


      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Spring 2013 Graduates | Illinois / Out-of-State / International Students 3 STATE OR NATION ZIP CODE CITY LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME COLLEGE DEGREE MAJOR SECOND MAJOR DEPARTMENT HONORS UNIVERSITY HONORS IL Algonquin Kurkowski Mark A Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Computer ...

      uiuc graduation date

    • [PDF File]Commencement address to the Department of Mathematics …


      Commencement address to the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Remarks by Nigel Goldenfeld, May 11 2008 Professor Katz, members of the mathematics department faculty, Class of 2008, family members and guests: Happy Mothers Day: We can never say thank you enough. Why don’t we take a

      uiuc 2020 graduation



      4 Pathways Summer 2017 Before Jonathan Jou returned home from a 32-day visit to the East African nation of Ethiopia last summer, he asked his physician mentor there what he might do to help.

      uiuc may 2020 graduation

    • [PDF File]Commencement Address Department of Mechanical Science …


      Commencement Address Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign J. M. Powers 22 December 2012 Faculty, guests, and most especially, graduates of the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, it is an honor to be addressing you this blus-

      university of illinois 2020 graduation

    • [PDF File]We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the ...


      Commencement Sunday, May 18, 2003 1:30 p.m. Tryon Festival Theater Krannert Center for the Performing Arts This program contains an unofficial list of candidates for graduation on May 18, 2003 and a list of graduates who received degrees in August 2002 and December 2002.

      university of illinois graduation

    • [PDF File]archives.library.illinois.edu


      University of Illinois Commencement Speakers page 2 of 3 1975 Lyle H. Lanier Executive Vice President and Provost, Emeritus Director, Office of Administrative Affairs and Educational Statistics, American Council on Education 1974 Robert Bingham Downs Dean, Library Administration Professor of Library Science, Emeritus 1973 Warren B. Cheston, Ph.D.

      university of illinois graduation dates

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