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    • [DOC File]Chapter 2: Preparedness - FEMA

      < 2,500 2,500 - 14,999 15,000 - 40,000 >40,000 1: Communications and Coordination 24 hr Warning Point (WP) X X X X Emergency Operations Center X X X 2: Tsunami Warning Reception Number of ways for EOC/WP to receive NWS tsunami messages (If in range, one must be NWR with tone-alert, NWR-SAME is preferred) 3 4 4 4 4: Warning Dissemination Number ...

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    • [DOCX File]Heidi J - University of Maryland School of Medicine

      Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry Maryland Psychiatric Research Center University of Maryland School of Medicine. Contact . I. nformation: Business Address:University of Maryland School of Medicine. Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. Maple and Locust Streets, Tawes Building 259B Baltimore, MD 21228. Business Phone Number:(410 ...

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      Para (b)(1) - (hereafter: designated office) “NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC), Financial Management Division (FMD), Accounts Payable, Bldg. 1111, C Road, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529, FAX 866-209-5415,” by no later 15 days prior to submission of the first request for payment. I.55 52.233-1 DISPUTES (JUL 2002) - ALTERNATE I (DEC 1991)

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    • [DOC File]Health] Information - Nc State University

      Medical information, records and data that may have been subject to federal and state laws or regulations, including federal rules issued by Health and Human Services, setting forth standards for the use, maintenance and disclosure of such information by health care providers and health plans and records and data related to alcohol and drug ...

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      The medical center's staff of 1,700 provides care to veterans residing in the District of Columbia and portions of Virginia and Maryland. The medical center treats over 30,000 veterans and has 322,000 outpatient visits each year.

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    • [DOCX File]Vendor Access Policy - MedStar Health | Home

      Sep 01, 2014 · MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center – PO Box 44200MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital – PO Box 44260MedStar Georgetown University Hospital – PO Box 44500MedStar Harbor Hospital – PO Box 44550MedStar Union Memorial Hospital – PO Box 44560MedStar Washington Hospital Center – PO Box 43910MedStar Health Corporate – PO Box 44250MedStar ...

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    • [DOC File]Home | HCA Healthcare

      At one extreme is the organization of the university teaching hospital that is characterized by (1) a full-time salaried chief of service; (2) a large proportion of full-time attending physicians; (3) division into major clinical and subspecialty departments; and (4) an active ongoing schedule of medical staff conferences and educational ...

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    • [DOC File]Psychology Internship Training Program at the Department ...

      We are pleased that you are interested in applying to the Psychology Internship Training Program at the Department of Veteran Affairs Brooklyn Campus of the VA New York Harbor Healthcare System. Our Internship Program adheres to APPIC Guidelines and we participate in the computer-matching program regarding intern selection. Please review the following information closely, particularly the ...

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    • [DOCX File]Employee Handbook for Staff - Human Resources

      Mar 16, 2015 · Generally, a written no-trespass notice will inform the person: (i) that he/she is barred from all University property or parts of University property (specifying the portion, e.g., the Medical Center, solely for purposes of obtaining medical treatment); (ii) of the duration of the ban; (iii) of the reason for the ban; and (iv) that if he/she ...

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    • [DOC File]Curriculum Vitae Standard Format - University of Maryland ...

      University of Maryland School of Medicine. Date. December 2016. Contact Information. University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Services Research, Center for Mental Health Services Research. 737 West Lombard Street, Rm 528. Baltimore, MD 21201. Telephone: 410-706-3244. Fax: 410-706-0022 . Email: aluckste ...

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