University of michigan dissertation database

    • [DOC File]BIOGRAPHICIAL DATA - Michigan State University

      Singh, A.J. (1999). A 20th Century History and Delphi Study to Predict Changes in the Lodging Industry Structure, Performance and Capital Sources. (Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan State University) Dissertation Abstracts International. Singh, A.J. (2000, March).

      university dissertation database

    • [DOCX File]Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University ...

      Mei Yang (doctoral student), University of Maryland, Doctoral dissertation (committee member), 2019-present (ongoing). Mentorship in Graduate Student Research and Writing for Publication Miranda Ann Galvin, and Aaron Safer-Lichtenstein (doctoral students), University of Maryland, independent study, advising the two students on research using ...

      university of michigan dissertations

    • EDUC 265: Methods for Foreign Language

      The University of Michigan Press: 1995. pages 330-357. “The…essay reflects an ongoing discussion between the two authors on the dialogic emergence of voice, difference, and cultures in the foreign language classroom and in feminist theory.”

      database of dissertations

    • [DOCX File]

      Michigan Integrated Water Management Database . A database to facilitate data collection and modeling by making current data accessible and available in a common geospatial format. $250,000 over two years ($125,000 each year) ... Ph. D. dissertation, University of California, Davis, 248 p.

      university of michigan dissertation search

    • [DOCX File]H-Net | H-Net

      Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Document 9 of 12. The Misrecognition You Can Bear. Author: Adair, Cassius. Publication info: University of Michigan, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017. 10670222. ProQuest document link ...

      university of michigan dissertation service

    • [DOC File]University of Michigan

      University of Michigan. School of Information. SI 615. Seminar on Digital Libraries . SYLLABUS. Term: Winter. 2008. ... research, dissertation or thesis preparation, and other activities related to academics and their profession. ... The mechanism we will use to complete the project is the collaborative construction of a database of image ...

      harvard university dissertation database

    • [DOC File]Joan R - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters ...

      “Tôdaiji and the Nara Imperium,” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University History Department, 1987 “Keeping Up With the Past,” Monumenta Nipponica 38.3, Autumn 1983 “Hierarchy and Economics in Early Medieval Tôdaiji,” in Jeffrey Mass, ed., Court and Bakufu in …

      database for phd dissertations

    • [DOCX File]EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND - Isenberg School of …

      "Stock Market Reaction to the Introduction of Information Systems to Improve Competitive Position," to the Michigan State University Department of Accounting research colloquium, 1988. "Expertise and the Specification of Accounting Database Constraints," national meeting of …

      michigan dissertation database

    • [DOC File]Nicole Shawn Ribianszky - Michigan State University

      Michigan State University Africanist Graduate Student Research Conference, Michigan State University, September 26-27, 2008. “The Story of Marie Noël Adonis: Immigration, Integration and Establishment of a Free Colored Social Network in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans.”

      university dissertation database

    • [DOC File]KATHLEEN MARIE BAKER - Western Michigan University

      Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan . Dissertation: Spatial and temporal modeling of microclimate for risk assessment and management of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in Michigan M.A., Geography. August 1998. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

      university of michigan dissertations

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