Use be in a sentence


      Write a sentence with two independent clauses connected by a semicolon. In the first clause use a series of infinitives (as in Huxley’s sentence). In the second clause, use an infinitive to contradict your first clause. Your topic is a movie you have recently seen. Share your sentence with the class.

      sentence with the word be


      Word/Sentence Use. I used some new vocabulary. I wrote complete sentences. I used correct subject/verb agreement. I used the past tense correctly. Mechanics/Format. I spelled words correctly. I used capitals to start sentences. I used periods and question marks correctly. I indented paragraphs. Editing. I read my paper out loud to my tutor.

      how to use be

    • [DOCX File]WORKSHEET 171

      His probation was revoked on March 10, 2000, and was ordered to serve the underlying sentence. Puckett sought a modification of sentence arguing he was entitled to the 2000 amendments to the post release statutes and he should be awarded 24-months post release, effective May 25, 2000. The district court denied the modification.

      to be sentence examples

    • 4 Ways to Use Therefore in a Sentence - wikiHow

      Title: Phrase bank - Sentence signposts signalling: Author: Julia Last modified by: Nick Batty Created Date: 11/3/2013 4:25:00 PM Company: TOSHIBA Other titles

      can be in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Phrase bank - Sentence signposts signalling:

      A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. It may help you to think of a compound-complex sentence as a compound sentence plus a subordinate clause. Actually, the compound-complex sentences join two sentences, at least one of which has a subordinate clause.

      the word be

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