Vaginoplasty surgery videos

    • Gender-Affirming Surgery: Vaginoplasty - Anschutz Medical Campus

      Genital reconstruction surgery—vaginoplasty types and techniques. Vaginoplasty surgery is a gender-affirming surgery where your genitals are reconstructed into a neovagina using the tissue of your current anatomy. There are 2 different types of vaginoplasty surgeries: • Full-depth vaginoplasty

    • [PDF File]Patient Education for Vaginoplasty Surgery - SF

      Most patients are able to experience orgasm. • Vaginoplasty surgery usually takes 3-5 hours in the operating room. • Estrogen hormone therapy should be stopped 2 - 4 weeks or more before surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots. It may be advisable to taper off hormones for a longer period of time to avoid adverse effects on mood.

    • [PDF File]Vaginoplasty Post-Operative Recovery and Healing

      Vaginoplasty surgery time = 4-6 Hours Vulvoplasty surgery = 3 Hours Orchiectomy surgery = 2 Hours Labiaplasty = 2 Hours After surgery: You will recover in the PACU for 2-3 hours. You may feel nauseous, elated, groggy, tearful, thirsty/hungry. Depending on surgery/surgeon, you will be discharged from PACU or moved to a hospital room.

    • [PDF File]Vaginoplasty Surgical Options - Kaiser Permanente

      Images created by Rebecca Betts Vaginoplasty Procedure Set aside scrotal skin for vaginal canal Vaginoplasty Procedure Prostate Bladder Rectum Isolate the skin of the phallus (lower part of the body) (top of the body) Vaginoplasty Procedure Urethra Erectile Tissue (lower part of the body) (top of the body) Vaginoplasty Procedure Urethra

    • [PDF File]Updated Vaginoplasty education information

      Vaginoplasty Vaginoplasty is a gender-affirming, feminizing, lower surgery to create a vagina and vulva (including mons, labia, clitoris, and urethral opening) and remove the penis*, scrotal sac* and testes*. What is the procedure for vaginoplasty? 1. The scrotum* and testes* are removed. 2. The glans* is made into a clitoris. 3.

    • [PDF File]Vaginoplasty Feminising Surgery - Leeds & York Partnership ...

      The NHS funded feminising genital surgery is available for people aged 18 and above and could include some or all the following: • Vaginoplasty– creation of a vagina • Clitoroplasty – creation of a clitoris • Vulvoplasty – creation of a vulva (please refer to Vulvoplasty patient leaflet)

    • [PDF File]VAGINOPLASTY GUIDEBOOK - Women's College Hospital

      preparing for surgery overwhelming; the sooner you start planning, the better you may feel. you avoid smoking anything or consuming any nicotine containing . Hair Removal . Prior to vaginoplasty you should consider hair removal strategies. At WCH, not having had hair removal will not prevent you from having surgery.

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