Water science and technology journal

    • [DOCX File]Saddleback College


      DETERMINING MOST EFFECT METHOD OF WATER STERILIZATION BY MEASURING BACTERIAL CONCENTRATIONS. Meghan Maltby, Victor Longoria, Hanna M. Fard. Department of Biological Science. Saddleback College. Mission Viejo, CA, 92692. Abstract: Water contamination is a problem in many developing countries.

      environmental science & technology

    • [DOC File]California State University, Northridge


      Environmental science and technology 30(12): 526A, 1996.--, The Role of Short-Term Tests in Evaluating Health Effects. Associated With Drinking Water, Journal of the American . Water Works Association v 82 n 10 pp. 48 OCT 1990. Bobak, M. and Feachem, R. G. A. Air pollution and mortality in Central and Eastern Europe: an estimate of the impact.

      scientific journal articles

    • [DOC File]Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions


      Now, a new study published in the American Chemical Society’s Environmental Science & Technology journal provides a compelling new reason not to waste food: It saves energy, and lots of it. Tons of pizza, broccoli, milk and other wasted foods translate into the equivalent of hundreds of millions of barrels of wasted oil.

      water sci technol


      (1994). Swelling of wood. Part I. Swelling in water, Wood Science and Technology, l, 28: 119–34. Mishra S, Naik JB, Patil YP. (2004). Studies on swelling properties of wood polymer composites based on agrowaste and novolac, Journal of Advances in Polymer Technology, 23 (1), 46-50. Raj, RG, Kokta BV. (1989). Effect of chemical treatment of ...

      water science technologies llc

    • [DOCX File]ResearchGate | Find and share research


      Applied Water Science is a quarterly Open Access journal (supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) free to submit and free to read for all. Article-processing charges are ...

      science and tech current events

    • [DOC File]PHS 398 (Rev. 5/01), Biographical Sketch SAMPLE


      Water Science & Technology, 54:3:1-7 Kim, J.H. and F.A. DiGiano. 2006. Particle fouling in submerged microfiltration membranes: Effects of hollow-fiber length and aeration rate. Jour. of Water Supply: Research and Technology Aqua. 55 (7-8): 535-547

      water science and engineering

    • National Conference on WATER, ENVIRONMENT & SOCIETY …

      British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2014. [7] N.J. George, V.I. Obianwu, A.E. Akpan and I.B. Obot,“Assessment of shallow aquiferous units and their coefficients of Anisotropy in the ...

      aerosp sci technol

    • [DOC File]Bromide Tracer References - Water Resources


      Evaluation of some new traces for soil water studies. RS Bowman, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 48:987-993, 1984. Bromide Background. Variations of bromide in potable ground water in the United States. SN Davis, JT Fabryka-Martin, LE Wolfsberg, Ground Water, 42 (6): 902-909, 2004.

      sci water journals

    • [DOC File]International Water Association Publications | IWA Publishing


      Water Research: ISSN: 0043-1354 Water Science and Technology: ISSN: 0273-1223 Water Science and Technology: Water Supply: ISSN: 1606-9749 Water Practice and Technology: ISSN: 1751-231X Journal of Water and Climate Change: ISSN: 2040-2244 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination: ISSN: 2220-1319 Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for ...

      environmental science & technology



      Behaviour of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a sewage treatment plant of northwest Spain. Water Science and Technology. IWA Publishing, London, UK: 2005. 52: 8, 29-35. Carballa, M., F. Omil, et al., 2004. Behavior of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and hormones in a sewage treatment plant. Water Research (Oxford).

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