Weight gain and bloated stomach

    • [DOCX File]machtportfoliomnt.weebly.com


      Body weight < 85% of expected weight (or BMI ≤ 17.5 kg/m2) Intense fear of weight gain. Inaccurate perception of own body size, weight, or shape. Amenorrhea (in females after menarche) Bulimia nervosa: Recurrent binge eating (at least two times per week for three months)

      extended stomach and weight gain

    • [DOC File]CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE - Kaleida Health


      You continue to feel sick to your stomach ( nauseated) and have no relief from remedies suggested. You vomit blood or coffee ground like materials. You lose more than 2 pounds of weight in one week. You gain more than 2 pounds of weight in a week and you notice swelling of your face, hands, feet or legs.

      weight gain and hard stomach

    • Naval Hospital Sigonella-OB-GYN

      If your weight goes up or down quickly (a gain or loss of 3 pounds. overnight or 5 pounds in 5 to 7 days) you may need the dose of your water pill (diuretic) adjusted. Sudden weight gain: If the doctor has prescribed water pills for you to take because of sudden weight gain, take them as instructed until the extra weight and your symptoms go away.

      abdominal bloating and weight gain

    • [DOCX File]Informed Consent for Medication, Eskalith


      Stomach cramping. Lightheadedness. Empty, growling stomach. Irritability, moodiness. Fatigue. Bloated feeling. Depending on your situation, this could last from 2 – 5 days during Phase 1. This will be the most difficult phase of the program, but these changes are …

      distended abdomen and weight gain

    • [DOC File]Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Contraceptive Pill


      __ Stomach Ulcer. Sometimes foul burps. Butterflies in stomach. Seldom eat breakfast. ... Intestines often bloated. Constipation with hemorrhoids. Constipation w/ painful defecation. Constipation w/hard, marbly stools ... __Can’t gain weight. __Can’t loose weight. __Can’t get started without coffee. __Chemical or spray poising.

      stomach bloating causes in women

    • [DOCX File]Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)


      confusion, poor memory or lack of awareness; fainting; fast or slow heartbeat; irregular pulse; stiffness of arms or legs; troubled breathing (especially during hard work or exercise); slurred speech; unusual tiredness or weakness; weight gain; skin rash; bloated feeling or pressure in the stomach; muscle twitching (slight); hair loss; worsening of psoriasis; swelling of the lips, tongue, or ...

      weight gain just in stomach

    • Stomach Bloating and Weight Gain: Bloated Abdomen and Weight …

      Physical symptoms such as breast tenderness or swelling, joint or muscle pain, a feeling of being bloated, and weight gain Other depressive disorder Clusters of symptoms with characteristics of a depressive disorder that do not meet the full criteria for other depressive disorders but that cause clinically significant distress or impairment of ...

      weight gain with bloating

    • [DOCX File]Summary of potential detoxification benefits:


      Too much vomiting is harmful because it leads to dehydration and poor weight gain during pregnancy. Social or psychological problems may be associated with this disorder of pregnancy and need to be identified and addressed appropriately (Cleveland Clinic, 2012).

      weight gain stomach pain bloating

    • [DOC File]Chapter 1 Study Questions with Answers


      Main complaint: Oligomenorrhea/secondary amenorrhea Duration: 1 yr Significant signs and symptoms: Thin body type, pale complexion, inability to gain weight, poor appetite, bloated stomach after fried foods, light-headedness, dull headaches, mood swings, anxiety, sore back and neck, cold extremities, aversion to cold, ankle oedema, red tongue ...

      extended stomach and weight gain



      Weight gain - usually sudden, 3 lbs. per day, or 5 lbs. or more over a week. Loss of appetite and feeling full or bloated most of the time. Dry, constant cough which may worsen at night. Y. our Doctor/NP can treat many of these symptoms in the early stages, as an outpatient. If left untreated, however, they can result in admission to the ...

      weight gain and hard stomach

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