Wellness jeopardy questions and answers

    • [PDF File]Wellness IN the Rockies Jeopardy


      WIN the Rockies Jeopardy . Answers and Questions . Round 2 . Let’s Get Physical 100 Physical activity done to music, often with a partner. What is dancing? 200 Electronic gadgets used to control equipment with the push of a button. They contribute to inactive lifestyles. What are remote controls?

    • [PDF File]Can you answer these healthy habits questions?


      Can you answer these healthy habits questions? 1. How many servings of fruits or vegetables should you eat each day? Answer: Five 2. How many minutes of exercise or activity do you need each day? Answer: 30 minutes (It would be ok to have more) 3. Your screen time (TV, computer, video games, texting) should be less than _____ hours each day.

    • [PDF File]Nutrition Jeopardy - Drexel University


      Final Jeopardy : On the Nutrition Facts Label, the Percent Daily Values are based on a person consuming how many total calories per day? Your team needs to decide on a wager. You can wager no more points than your team has accumulated. Final Jeopardy : Title: Slide 1 Author:

    • Nutrition Jeopardy Questions And Answers

      Jeopardy Questions and Answers - JeopardyQuestions.com 3. Read the question aloud and give the team up to 15 seconds to come up with the answer. 4. If the team answers correctly, write the points they have earned on the scoreboard. If the team answers incorrectly, discuss the correct answer as a whole group.

    • [PDF File]Nutrition Education + Promotion Guide Activities for ...


      Have students submit answers and pick a winner. Develop questions that align with MyPlate recommendations. RESOURCES: Wellness Wednesday Messages provide weekly nutrition trivia questions and answers. Also see sample questions at the end of this document. Find more information on nutrition to help develop questions at HealthyEating.org.

    • [PDF File]Jeopardy - PEBTF


      Wellness Jeopardy ©2014 ActiveHealth Management, Inc. Proprietary and confidential. Do not distribute. 2 JEOPARDY Wild Card Diet and Conditions Food Groups Exercise Nutrition 101 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 ...

    • [PDF File]“Mind Matters” Trivia Game


      xS1 5.1.3 Identify behaviours that promote health and wellness. xS1 5.1.5 Examine how decisions affect one’s well-being. xS1 5.2.3 Identify and evaluate adolescent mental and physical health issues, e.g., depression, health issues-STIs, alcohol and drug abuse, learning disability, physical

    • [PDF File]Maintain your Mental Wellness


      Sexual Health Jeopardy 45 60 min. Test your sexual health knowledge by playing Jeopardy. Maintain your Mental Wellness 45-60 min. Explore the spectrum of mental wellness while discovering ways to reduce barriers to seeking help. Mental Health Jeopardy 45-60 min. Play Jeopardy & learn insightful & applicable information on mental health.

    • [PDF File]2 Finance Jeopardy Questions & Answers - Purdue University


      Finance Jeopardy - Questions & Answers Making a List & Checking it Twice: 1 1-Q: This document is given to any individual, business, or group who makes a donation to a 4-H Club/Unit. 1 1-A: What is an official receipt? 1 2-Q: A number each 4-H Club/Unit should have, whether or not they have funds in a financial institution.

    • Wellness Quiz Questions And Answers

      Download File PDF Wellness Quiz Questions And Answers Wellness Publications Wellness Health and Wellness, Tenth Edition is written in a personal and engaging style with specific tips and aids to help students improve their health habits. This text encourages students to learn the skills they need to enhance the quality and longevity of life.

    • [PDF File]1 Financial Wellness Leader Activity Instructions


      “Finance Jeopardy” PowerPoint and “Finance Jeopardy – Questions & Answers” Word file Sound maker for each team Dry erase marker and board or flip char t paper and maker (for tallying scores) Instructions Divide your audience into two or more teams, and give them each a sound maker to use as a “buzzer.”

    • Nutrition Jeopardy Questions And Answers

      Nutrition Jeopardy Questions And Answers Author: wp.nike-air-max.it-2020-11-24T00:00:00+00:01 Subject: Nutrition Jeopardy Questions And Answers Keywords: nutrition, jeopardy, questions, and, answers Created Date: 11/24/2020 4:32:57 AM Nutrition Jeopardy Questions And Answers Question #1. Name the six basic nutrient categories.

    • [PDF File]Mental Health Myths & Facts Quiz


      Mental Health Myths & Facts Quiz with Answers and Sources 1. On average, mental health consumers are: a. much more likely to be violent than the general population b. about as likely to slightly more likely to be violent as the general population c. less likely to be violent than the general population The answer is B, slightly more likely.

    • [PDF File]Get to Know ASU Jeopardy Questions & Answers


      Get to Know ASU Jeopardy Questions & Answers Category One: Information Security • Email that is sent on your behalf without being requested What is spam (10 points) • Prevents your computer from catching a virus What is anti-virus software (20 points)

    • Anxiety Jeopardy Questions

      anxiety-jeopardy-questions 1/1 Downloaded from www.epls.fsu.edu on October 21, 2021 by guest [PDF] Anxiety Jeopardy Questions When people should go to the books stores, search opening by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in fact problematic. This is why we allow the book compilations in this website.

    • [PDF File]Stress & Coping Self-Test - Live Well Sioux Falls


      the scores for all questions to get a total score (use summary grid below). Your total score should be between 0 and 110. What Your Score Means Coping Score Stress/Coping Description Percent of Population 76-110 Coping well. You are in the “Positive Well Being” zone. 65.0% 71-75 Marginal 9.1% 56-70 Not coping very well. You are in the ...

    • [PDF File]Questions


      © 2004 by the Health Education Council. All Rights Reserved. Nutrition Decathlon Tool Kit 37 Nutrition Trivia Easy 1. You should you eat fruits and vegetables because

    • [PDF File]Wellness IN the Rockies JEOPARDY


      Wellness IN the Rockies Jeopardy . WIN the Rockies Jeopardy is an educational game played similar to the popular quiz show. The person in control of the board selects a category and point amount. The answer then shows on the screen. All participants try to “buzz in” first for the opportunity to provide the appropriate question. Participants ...

    • [PDF File]Nutrition Jeopardy Questions and Answers-1


      Nutrition Jeopardy Questions and Answers Game Number One Food Groups 100 – This food group has bread, rice and pasta products and provides you with energy. What is the Grain Products group? 200- Calcium plus vitamin D are the main nutrients in this food group.

    • [PDF File]Questions and Answers about HIV/AIDS


      Part II: Questions and Answers About HIV 7 Transmission 7 ... Sexual health is having a feeling of wellness related to sexuality It applies to people of all ages Sexual health is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual It is a central element

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