What are character traits

    • [DOC File]Character Traits


      Character traits A character trait is a distinguishing quality of a person or character that can include personality, likes/dislikes, and behavior. Direct characterization Through direct characterization, a writer reveals a character by directly telling the reader the character’s traits.

      free printable character traits

    • [DOC File]Name:


      When describing a character’s traits, you are describing their personality (not what they look like.) Adjectives, or describing words describe a character’s personality. See the box on the back for a list of adjectives that describe characters’ personalities. Feel free to add to the list.

      list of character traits examples

    • [DOC File]TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan


      6. Complexes (things which bother or concern your character) 7. Abilities (ways in which your character excels in navigating life and its problems) 8. Qualities (of a person’s character) 9. Peculiarities (oddities or unusual character traits) 10. If you were an animal, what would it be and why? 11.

      character traits for sad

    • 25 Good Character Traits (List Of Positive Character Traits We All N…

      Figure out what personality traits the character(s) _____ has/have and list the trait in the first column. Then find evidence in the text to support your claim and record that evidence. Include the page or line number. In the fourth column explain why you think that evidence shows that the character …

      character traits printable pdf

    • [DOC File]Analyzing Character Traits - Twinsburg


      Character Traits Last modified by: C T Created Date: 5/27/2007 4:14:00 AM Other titles: Character Traits ...

      examples of internal traits

    • [DOC File]Mrs. Judy Araujo


      The main character in Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve’s “The Medicine Bag” is a young boy named Martin, who lives in a city away from his ancestors’ Sioux reservation. He struggles with feelings of shame and pride about his great-grandfather. At first, Martin makes up wild fantasies to brag about his great-grandfather even though he is ...

      examples of good character traits

    • [DOC File]Character Traits - Freeology-Free Worksheets


      Character Traits Author: C T Last modified by: C T Created Date: 6/23/2007 3:25:00 PM Other titles: Character Traits ...

      personality trait list

    • [DOC File]Citizenship -- November Character Trait


      Choose an important character from the novel and find three to five external personality traits that are stated by the author directly through description. Then look for three to five internal personality traits that first are learned by the reader through a character’s words, actions or behavior throughout the novel.

      printable list of character traits

    • [DOC File]Character Analysis - Texas Arts Project


      Citizenship -- November Character Trait. Citizenship. Demonstrating good citizenship is being a person who is involved in trying to make the community, nation, or world a better place. Good citizens are people who are engaged, in big or small ways, in considering the needs of others in their community. Citizenship means more than knowing how ...

      free printable character traits



      character. is a person or animal in a literary work. Character traits. are the individual qualities that make each character unique. These may be qualities such as stubbornness, sense of humor, or intelligence. You can identify character traits by noticing how a character thinks, acts, and speaks. A character…

      list of character traits examples

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