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      While it would be incorrect to say that the migration of Russian speakers into these republics was the mechanism that incited guerrilla activity, it would be fair to say that the facts of the migration helped the “forest brethren” gain near-universal support among the indigenous populations.

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    • IATED PAPER Template

      Alternate Names. Anabasis glomeratus Bieb. Barilla. Caution: Poisonous plant. Uses. Halogeton is a poisonous noxious weed introduced from Eurasia into the United States early in the 20th century. Since that time it has spread to cover millions of acres in the western valleys. It is …

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    • [DOC File]Abstract - Stanford University


      Branch names are used to identify Soldiers and units trained in the principal functions associated with that branch. (1) The basic branches are Adjutant General Corps, Air Defense Artillery, Armor, Aviation, Civil Affairs, Chemical Corps, Corps of Engineers, Field Artillery, Finance Corps, Infantry, Logistics, Military Intelligence, Military ...

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      This vessel with the long strange sounding name is a Russian ice strengthened cargo supply and research vessel which is under charter by the American NOAA to provide logistic support to the Copacabana field camp on King George Island as well as a number of other American scientific projects in the Antarctic Peninsula area.

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    • [DOC File]Halogeton - Plant


      The Russian government routinely suppresses basic information about drug-related trials, even the names of defendants. Igor Khokhlov, a senior researcher at the Academy of Sciences, a government-funded research institute, has researched the drug trade …

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    • Cool Authentic Russian Names for a Siberian Husky Dog | PetHelpful

      The Glavlit composed an authors’ list embracing 651 names. All writings by the authors included in the list were to be completely removed from open stocks of the libraries. Liable to removal were also books with “political defects” namely the books where there were quotations of, for instance, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Trotsky or were mentions ...

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    • [DOC File]Russia - WikiLeaks


      Do not repeat the names of supervisors listed under Employment. Reference Name Reference Occupation or Business Telephone number Address Country Email Address I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

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    • [DOC File]Censorship in the USSR and the Russian State Library


      Ryazan State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) a.naziev@rsu.edu.ru. Abstract. What a surprising thing is progress! It seems that all the best must be preserved and transmitted to the future generations.

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    • [DOC File]Sons of the Soil, Immigrants and the State


      It was regarded as the best role model for maintaining social order and managing business enterprises, and as the second best for science-technology and environmental protection (S. Lee 101). Because they are neighbors and both fast-growing industrial economies, Korea views Japan as its most important economic partner.

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