What countries make up asia

    • [DOC File]North and South Korea


      History 141 is an introduction to the societies and cultures of pre modern China, Korea, and Japan, the countries that make up the geographical and cultural unit of East Asia. Of the great civilizations of the world, East Asia grew up in perhaps the greatest isolation from the West; and one goal of this course is to point up what is distinctive ...

      how many countries in asia

    • [DOCX File]Inner Asian and Uralic National Resource Center


      For the AP Exam in May, it is imperative that you know what countries make up the four largest population concentrations in the world. The info is found pp. 47-49. 4. 4 regions have some similarities: a) or. b) (p. 47 left side column) 5.

      smallest country in southeast asia

    • [DOCX File]Geography


      Southeast Asia includes a mass of islands scattered across thousands of miles of ocean known historically as the East Indies. Archipelagos or island chains make up the countries of Indonesia (the worlds largest archipelago with more than 13,500 islands) and the Philippines (with 7000).

      is asia a country

    • [DOC File]History 141: History of East Asia in the Pre-modern Era


      20. Make sure you can locate the following countries and natural features on a map: Afghanistan Euphrates River Arabian Sea Iran Jordan River Red Sea. Iraq Tigris River Gaza Strip. Israel Mediterranean Sea West Bank Saudi Arabia Persian Gulf Suez Canal. Turkey Strait of Hormuz

      asia countries in alphabetical order

    • [DOC File]Southwest Asia Unit Study Guide


      The Indian Subcontinent, also called South Asia, consists of seven countries—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Together these countries make up one of the most unique geographic regions in the world. Soaring mountains, powerful rivers, and fertile plains are some of the region’s dominant features.

      what are the independent nations of asia

    • [DOC File]Where Is The World’s Population Distributed


      Figure 2-2 displays the shape of countries more accurately, as Figure 2-3 is a cartogram. A cartogram visualizes countries by the size of their population rather than land area, such that countries with large populations like China and India appear larger than countries with …

      list countries of asia

    • [DOCX File]Mr. Olind's Class Page - Home


      What 6 countries make up East Asia? What is an archipelago? Which countries are archipelagos? What is the Pacific Ring (Rim) of Fire? What is a typhoon? The Huang He River has 2 nicknames. What are they and why? What is significant about the Chang Jiang River in China?

      what are the countries in africa

    • Ranking the Countries of Asia by Area

      What countries make up Asia Region. Whole class investigation of the countries that make up the Asia region. Label these on a map that already includes country borders. Atlas. Google Earth. Exploring individual perceptions of their chosen / allocated Asian country

      how many countries in asia

    • [DOCX File]Bussard's BLog


      3. Explain to students that many countries in Central Asia are rich with minerals and that mineral resources make up a large percentage of the economies of these countries. Due to their location, these Central Asian states are close to many commodity markets in China and Europe.

      smallest country in southeast asia

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