What does an endoscopy test for

    • [DOC File]Associates in Gastroenterology & Liver Disease, LLC


      — An upper endoscopy, often referred to as endoscopy, EGD, or esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy, is a procedure that allows a physician to directly examine the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which includes the esophagus (swallowing tube), the stomach, and the duodenum (the first section of …

      endoscopy certification questions

    • [DOCX File]HICPAC Sample Audit Tool: Reprocessing Flexible Endoscopes


      Transports the contaminated endoscope and accessories to the endoscopy processing room as soon as possible after use. ... Manual Cleaning. Uses a freshly prepared cleaning solution and does not add additional products to the water unless recommended by the manufacturer. ... Uses a test strip or other FDA-cleared testing device specific to the ...

      endoscopy practice test

    • [DOC File]Laryngoscopy, Esophagoscopy, and Bronchoscopy- Patient ...


      A test that helps the doctor look at the inside your esophagus (swallowing tube). The test is done using a special tube (scope) that has a camera and light. The …

      reasons to have an endoscopy

    • [DOC File]Report - APIC


      Perform the leak test by connecting the scope to the leak test device. REQUIRED! Follow manufacturer’s instructions for the procedure. If the scope fails (is leaking, indicated by visible air bubbles) wipe it off, place in a plastic bag and contact Biomed for repair. DO …

      4 types of endoscopy procedures

    • [DOCX File]Association of periOperative Registered Nurses | AORN


      Transports the flexible endoscope and accessories to the endoscopy processing room as soon as possible after use. Keeps the endoscope wet or damp, but not submerged in liquid, during transport. ... When an endoscope fails a leak test, removes it from service and sends for repair or replacement per [facility-specific protocol].

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