What does significant mean

    • [PDF File]PDF Is it statistically significant? The chi-square test


      • If the test comes out significant that means there is some association. No further information. • Tests only two variables at one time • Some cells may have small values. Each cell should have at least a value of 1, and no more than 20% of cells can have values lower than 5. •Potential problem with small courses when

    • [PDF File]PDF Multiple/Post Hoc Group Comparisons in ANOVA


      level in order to be significant at the .05 level under Bonferroni. Similarly, if we had 7 groups and hence 21 pairwise comparisons, the LSD test would have to be significant at the .05/21 = .00238 level to be significant after the Bonferroni adjustment. Multiple/Post Hoc Group Comparisons in Anova - Page 4

    • [PDF File]PDF Understanding the Independent t Test


      see that males (with a mean of 6.382) performed significantly higher on the Visualization test than did females (with a mean of 5.159). VIOLATION OF THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THE t TEST FOR INDEPENDENT GROUPS The independent-samples t test is what we refer to as a robust test. That is, the t test is

    • [PDF File]PDF Correlations - University of Minnesota Duluth


      ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The Sig. 2‐tailed level is .000 which shows that there is significance between interest in online dating services and familiarity with online dating services and the relationship is a positive 76.1%, which means

    • [PDF File]PDF P Values, Statistical Significance & Clinical Significance


      P Values, Statistical Significance & Clinical Significance When looking at the results of a research study, a practitioner has to answer two big questions: ... The results of a study can be statistically significant but still be too small to be of any practical value.

    • [PDF File]PDF Guidance on Significant Cognitive Disabilty-edits3


      A history of poor performance on state assessments and/or deficient reading scores does not qualify a student as having a significant cognitive disability. The group of students referred to in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and the Elementary and Secondary

    • [PDF File]PDF Interpretive Report of WAIS-IV Testing - Pearson Clinical NA


      Interpretive Report of WAIS-IV Testing . Examinee and Testing Information . Examinee Name : ... noted that the GAI does not have the breadth of construct coverage as the FSIQ. FOR TRAINING ... Mean . Scaled . Score . Difference. Critical Value.05 . Strength or . Weakness .

    • [PDF File]PDF Significant Weather Prognostic Charts


      SIGNIFICANT WEATHER PROGNOSTIC CHARTS Significant weather prognostic charts (progs) (Figure 11-1) portray forecasts of selected weather conditions at specified valid times. Each valid time is the time at which the forecast conditions are expected to occur. Forecasts are made from a comprehensive set of observed weather conditions. The

    • [PDF File]PDF Significant Developmental Delay (SDD) Frequently Asked Questions


      3. Does the IEP team have to formally assess and determine if the student meets eligibility criteria in other disability areas such as speech language or specific learning disabilities in order to consider significant developmental delay? No. Consider" does not mean the same as "rule out"; as there is no requirement to determine or

    • [PDF File]PDF Research Rundowns >Quantitative Methods > Significance ...


      Research Rundowns >Quantitative Methods > Significance Testing (t-tests) In this review, we'll look at significance testing, using mostly the t-test as a guide. As you read educational research, you'll encounter t-test and ANOVA statistics frequently. Part I reviews the basics of significance

    • [PDF File]PDF Main effects and interactions - Hanover College


      Main Effects & Interactions page 5 EXPECT". Under the "Sig." column is the p-value for the interaction: p = .003. To communicate these results, you would write, There was a significant interaction between student age and teacher expectations,

    • [PDF File]PDF Levene'S Test of Homogeneity of Variance


      LEVENE'S TEST OF HOMOGENEITY OF VARIANCE Remember, we did t tests for differences in means ... and recall that there is an assumption of equal population variances in the classic t test. One way to test for possible differences in variances is to do an F test ... Var1/Var2 = F... with the appropriate degrees of freedom. I showed this to

    • [PDF File]PDF What does the p value really mean? - SciELO


      What does the p value really mean? Juliana Carvalho Ferreira1,3, Cecilia Maria Patino2,3 Why calculate a p value? Consider an experiment in which 10 subjects receive a placebo, and another 10 receive an experimental diuretic. After 8 h, the average urine output in the placebo group is 769 mL, versus 814 mL in the diuretic group—a difference

    • [PDF File]PDF Overlapping Confidence Interval and Statistical Significance


      independent samples. The mean of the first sample is 9 and the mean of the second sample is 17. Let's assume that the two group means have the same standard errors, equal to 2.5. The 95 percent confidence interval for the first group mean can be calculated as: ± × 9 1.96 2.5. where 1.96 is the critical t-value. The confidence interval for

    • [PDF File]PDF Chapter 7 Comparing Means in SPSS (t-Tests)


      Chapter 7 Comparing Means in SPSS (t-Tests) This section covers procedures for testing the differences between two means using the SPSS Compare Means analyses. Specifically, we demonstrate procedures for running Dependent-Sample (or One-Sample) t-tests, Independent-Sample t-tests, Difference-Sample (or Matched- or Paired-Sample) t-tests.

    • PDF Statistical versus Practical Significance - The Atrium

      What does "statistically significant" mean? When we use the term "significant", we are not automatically implying that the data is "important". It is simply a term that is used to assess whether the evidence against the null hypothesis has reached the standard set by α only.

    • [PDF File]PDF Significant Digits in Experimental Results


      Significant Digits in Experimental Results Average ± Standard Deviation When you make a measurement in lab, your measurement should include all of the digits you are certain of, plus one final digit which is an estimate. For example, when reading a measuring cup where the water level is between

    • [PDF File]PDF How do I read a case citation? What do all the numbers and ...


      Knowledge Base Printer Friendly version How do I read a case citation? What do all the numbers and letters mean? Are they important? The case citation provides the following four critical pieces of information:

    • [PDF File]PDF APPENDIX D Examples of Significant Deficiencies and Material ...


      APPENDIX D Examples of Significant Deficiencies and Material Weaknesses D1. Paragraph 8 of this standard defines a control deficiency. Paragraphs 9 and 10 go on to define a significant deficiency and a material weakness, respectively. D2. Paragraphs 22 through 23 of this standard discuss materiality in an audit of

    • [PDF File]PDF Understanding Analysis of Covariance (Ancova)


      significant, follow-up tests should be conducted to determine where there are differences on the adjusted means between groups. For example, if a factor has three levels, three pairwise ... extraneous does not mean unimportant.) Researchers usually try to control for extraneous variables by ...

    • [PDF File]PDF Significant Figures - GrayLab at Johns Hopkins University


      8. When determining the mean and standard deviation based on repeated measurements: o The mean cannot be more accurate than the original measurements. For example, the maximum number of significant figures in the mean when

    • [PDF File]PDF Determining Significant Accounts and Disclosures and their ...


      determining significant accounts and disclosures Short recap on management and assertions Discuss the effect to the audit strategy Engage in group activity based on Perfecta LTD case Session Objectives 2 . All disclosures are significant, but not all accounts are

    • [PDF File]PDF SPSS Guide: Tests of Differences - iranspss


      SPSS Guide: Tests of Differences ... of whether there is a statistical difference between the test value and the sample mean. Since the t-value is not significant, we reject the null hypothesis that there is a difference, and accept our hypothesis.

    • [PDF File]PDF can be significant, then teachers can


      significant, rather than something relatively insignificant. This leads to a question that is key to the whole teaching enterprise: What are the ways in which learning can be significant? If we have or can develop a language and a conceptual framework for identifying the multiple ways in which learning can be significant, then teachers can

    • [PDF File]PDF Interaction Effects in ANOVA - University of Oregon


      interactions are significant, it is necessary to follow up the omnibus F-test with one of the focused comparison procedures described below. Usually, the main effects can also be interpreted and tested further when they are significant. However, when an interaction is significant and "disordinal", main effects can not be sensibly interpreted.

    • [PDF File]PDF When is statistical significance not significant? - SciELO


      When is statistical significance not significant? ... hat is the fate of a research paper that does not find statistically significant results? According to Gerber, Green and Nickerson (2001: 01), "articles that ... a mean of zero and the spread is described by the standard deviation ...



      What Does Significant Nexus . Mean ?? "Wetlands performing functions that society values… AND where there is evidence for the real potential to . affect the physical, chemical, or biological integrity. of traditional navigable waters" AND when the evidence is more than speculative. or insubstantial

    • [PDF File]PDF Agricultural Statistics, Least Significant Differences (LSD)


      Agricultural Statistics, Least Significant Differences (LSD) ... LSD number mean"? Least significant difference is used to compare means of different treatments that have an equal number of replications. What exactly does that mean? Let's take a look at an example of two scenarios, each with ...

    • [PDF File]PDF Differentiating statistical significance and clinical ...


      statistically significant difference is clinically significant. across multiple patient populations, the statistically significant result may be only minimally useful and thus isn't clinically significant. If a statistically significant result isn't clinically significant, it's not clinical-ly helpful and shouldn't be used to

    • [PDF File]PDF Advanced Interpretation of the WISC-V - Pearson Clinical NA


      Significant and unusual discrepancy between ... Advanced Interpretation of the WISC-V Gloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant ... Mean Mean Diff P value Std. Diff VCI 89.1 100.7 11.63

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