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      CHAPTER 12 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MARVIN MOSER, M.D. INTRODUCTION High blood pressure, or hypertension as the disease is known medically, is our most common chronic ill-ness. Estimates of exactly how many Americans have high blood pressure vary—the American Heart As-sociation and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood

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    • [PDF File]Your Guide to Lowering Blood Pressure


      Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, affects one in three adults in the United States, while only half are treated for this condition. An additional 25% of adults have blood pressure readings that are considered pre-hypertensive, placing them at risk for hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Hypertension can occur at any age,

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    • [PDF File]CHAPTER 12 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - Yale University


      False: Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure at any age. It’s true that you have less chance of developing heart disease or stroke in your 20s or 30s than when you’re older. But if you have high blood pressure when you’re young, you’re still at greater …

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    • [PDF File]Diet and Hypertension


      HERBS THAT RAISE BLOOD PRESSURE by Ann Gerhardt, MD Subscribe to DrG’sMediSense newsletter at www.drgsmedisense.com (09/2006) Some well-known herbs increase blood pressure, sometimes to levels of clinically relevant hypertension (high blood pressure). Herbs’ medicinal benefits derive from the presence of natural, bio-active chemicals. With

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    • [PDF File]Sodium and Blood Pressure - Utah


      help prevent high blood pressure. As with many recent studies, investigators have found that those who .ncluded m.nerals such as magnesium and potassium as part of their normal dietary ntake, can receive the natural benefits of a decreased risk of hypertension www.BloodPressureSOLUTlON.com 99 Foods That Naturally Lower Blood Pressure I

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    • Worst Foods That Can Cause High Blood Pressure

      developing high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, following these steps will help you control your blood pressure. This brochure is designed to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle and remember to take prescribed blood pressure-lowering drugs. Following the steps described will help you prevent and control high blood pressure.

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