What has trump accomplished as president

    • [PDF File]Did Trump Create or Inherit the Strong Economy Final?


      President Donald Trump claims credit for the strong economy, claiming that he inherited a “disaster” from President Barack Obama and that he “accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.”1 However, the truth is that by the time he became president, the economy largely had recovered from the Great Recession and was nearing full st...

    • Dordt Digital Collections

      primary season ended, Trump had set a new record for the number of raw votes received by a Republican: over 13 million. It was an astounding feat for someone who had never run for elective office before, who was a complete political amateur. Trump accomplished this despite media ridicule and hostility, including an order from

    • [PDF File]The Trump Presidency - A Final Economic Scorecard


      Feb. 12, 2021 The Trump Presidency: A Final Economic Scorecard President Donald Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in U.S. history from President Barack Obama. His two signature economic policies—the 2017 tax cuts and the trade war with China—hurt American workers and families.

    • [PDF File]Did Trump Create or Inherit the Strong Economy?


      so far, it has proven resilient. President Donald Trump claims credit for the strong economy, saying that he inherited a “disaster” from President Barack Obama and that he “accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.”1 However, the truth is that by the time he became president, the economy largely had recovered from the

    • [PDF File]President Trump’s 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments


      TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt. President Trump will have signed over 30 executive orders during his first 100 days to ensure agencies throughout the Government enforce his agenda.

    • [PDF File]HHS Fact Sheet: Trump Administration Accomplishments to ...


      Trump Administration Accomplishments to Empower Americans with Disabilities TO MARK THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY of the Americans with Disabilities Act, HHS has compiled some of the achievements under President Trump to empower, support, and protect Americans with disabili-ties, made possible by work at HHS, by our partners in state and local

    • [PDF File]If it’s Broke, Fix it - Brookings


      President Trump’s Profiteering ... The mission that these accomplished individuals undertook was to think deeply about what went awry, the deeper weaknesses that were exposed, and how .

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