What is a rebuttal paragraph

    • [DOC File]Writing a Rebuttal / Counterargument Paragraph


      How to Write the Counterargument Paragraph. Terminology: Concession: acknowledgement of the other side. Refutation or Rebuttal: an answer that challenges a specific claim or charge. Counterargument: the other side of an argument. Format of the counterargument: Topic Sentence: Introduce the opposing side’s arguments.

      how to start a rebuttal paragraph


      ****Because this is an argumentative piece of writing, you must also include the rebuttal. In your third body paragraph provide 3 pieces of evidence that would support the other side of the argument. Steps: 1. Find at least 3 pieces of textual evidence (include page number) 2. Find background information on the case. 3.

      how to write a rebuttal paragraph

    • Refutation Paragraphs - Mesa Community College

      turn the page to see the rebuttal paragraph: Many students claim that they need their cell phones with them at all times in case there is an emergency. However, in the event of an emergency, it is vital that administrators and local authorities are able to communicate quickly and efficiently.

      rebuttal in an argumentative essay

    • [DOCX File]Chandler Unified School District / Home Page


      Writing a Rebuttal / Counterargument Paragraph Author: kristin ekstrom Last modified by: Fawzi Created Date: 9/12/2014 2:50:00 AM Company: Ledyard Public Schools Other titles: Writing a Rebuttal / Counterargument Paragraph

      rebuttal speech format

    • [DOC File]How to Introduce and Refute (Rebut) the Counterarguments


      The criticisms of Dr. Magnus [noted in paragraph 5, 6, 12, and 13 of his rebuttal report] state that this clinical review should have been treated as a research study with hypotheses, a power analysis, statistical analysis and other components of a research study.

      how to start a rebuttal

    • [DOC File]Developing Your Concession/Rebuttal Paragraph


      Example counter-claim and rebuttal paragraph: Some may believe that texting while driving with hands free devices is the answer to a ban on texting. However, it has been proven that it is not the actual process of texting while driving that distracts the driver. It is the cognitive distraction, or the thinking required in order to complete the ...

      rebuttal argument essay example

    • [DOC File]How To Write the Counter Argument Paragraph


      II. Directions: To write this paragraph, remember to include the following: The Counterargument. Your Rebuttal. Supporting Evidence for the Rebuttal. Explanation of the Evidence. 1. Counterargument: Introduce the counterargument by identifying the general opposition or a specific opponent of your main claim. Use these sentence starters.

      example of writing a rebuttal

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