What is dopamine and its function

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      System or Part Function Misc. Brainstem Responsible for automatic survival reflexes Spinal Cord Controls simple reflexes Pathway to neural fibers ... It also helps us think creatively and think rationally; dopamine that is supposed to reach this lobe is shut off during schizophrenia, making it impossible for the victim to tell what is real and ...

      dopamine function in the body

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      Because dopamine is the chemical that promotes feelings of pleasure, it makes us look forward to enjoying life and various activities. Sometimes called “The Molecule of Happiness,” dopamine tends to be the scientific explanation for why we can be happy or experience satisfaction.

      what is dopamine definition

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      Dopamine is also a neurohormone released by the hypothalamus. Its main function as a hormone is to inhibit the release of prolactin from the anterior lobe of the pituitary. A family of at least 5 Dopamine Receptors (DR) genes, D1-D5, have been identified based upon the amino acid identity, pharmacological specificity and effector responses.

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      One strength of the original dopamine hypothesis, which suggested that an excess of dopamine may be responsible for the symptoms of schizophrenia, is that it is supported by studies such as that of Wise and Stein who found that schizophrenics who died in accidents had abnormally low levels of beta-hydroxlase, an enzyme which breaks down dopamine after its release.

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      Dopamine has the effect of strengthening weights of neural connections, such as between Stimulus and Action. ... Perceptual input to the cortex flows through the thalamus and its gating function. Crick, F. 1984. Function of the thalamic reticular complex: the searchlight hypothesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 81, 4586-4590.

      what is dopamine responsible for



      Dopamine β -hydroxylase catalyses the oxidation of dopamine in order to introduce an alcohol function leading to the formation of noradrenaline. N-Methyl transferase introduces a methyl group onto the nitrogen atom of noradrenaline. Page reference: 595-596. a. A = Tyrosine hydroxylase. b. B = Dopa decarboxylase. c. C = Dopamine β -hydroxylase. d.

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