What is high quality instruction

    • Do high-quality instructional materials improve student learning?

      Access to high-quality instructional materials is critical to excellent instruction. A growing body of research points to the positive impact that high-quality instructional materials have on student learning. Research shows that students in general gain months of learning when teachers use stronger instructional materials.

    • What is quality instruction?

      Quality instruction means an instruction delivered by a competent instructor rooted in content, facilitating the discovery and depth of new knowledge by students in a constructivist manner. Quality instruction means that the teacher can effectively engage students in the learning process and relay relevant knowledge.

    • Are high-quality instructional materials a top funding priority?

      In a survey by Scholastic, teachers cited high-quality instructional materials as a top funding priority, more important than digital resources, intervention programs, and even higher salaries. When all students experience high-quality teaching, they are more likely to learn.

    • How can teachers improve quality instructional materials?

      Adopt teachers quality instructional spending tremendous materials and personal set the expectation time planning that their teachers own use activities, them. support them to prepare to use the high-quality materials that you’ve added. Evaluate quality of Tier 1 and Tier 2 & 3 instructional materials.

    • [PDF File]Importance of High-Quality Instructional Materials


      • High-quality instructional materials allow students to engage more deeply and meaningfully with the standards. For more research on high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), please see the next page for the most recent edition of our curated HQIM Library. 1. Allan, S., & Leifer, R. (2017, August 23).

    • [PDF File]High-Quality Instructional Resources - Kentucky


      The Kentucky Department of Education defines High-Quality Instructional Resources (HQIRs) as materials that are: Aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS); Research-based and/or externally validated; Comprehensive to include engaging texts (books, multimedia, etc.), tasks and assessments;

    • [PDF File]Quality Instruction as a Motivating Factor in Higher Education


      The implications of quality instruction for practice (i.e., andragogical competency, adequate preparation and organization, content and currency of knowledge, technological competency, resourcefulness, and dispositional attributes), institutional policy, and further research are also discussed.

    • [PDF File]High-Quality Instructional Materials - Texas Education Agency


      What are high quality instructional materials? High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) are curricular resources that: Ensure full coverage of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Are aligned to evidence-based best practices in the relevant content area

    • [PDF File]CHAPTER 3: High-Quality Instruction for Newcomer Students


      High-quality instruction for all students anticipates all students’ potential and provides the supports they need to attain challenging academic goals. Educators can help students achieve at high levels and reach their potential by engaging them in rigorous, deep, and accelerated learning (Walqui & van Lier, 2010; Leseaux & Harris, 2015).

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