What is logic synthesis

    • What is logic synthesis?

      Logic Synthesis Logic Synthesis • Generates a logic circuit from various kinds of descriptions such as truth table, Boolean expression, etc. • Important metrics:area (#gates) and depth (#levels) Two-Level Logic

    • What is a logic synthesis and verification paradigm based on circuit simulation?

      Abstract—This paper proposes a new logic synthesis and veri- fication paradigm based on circuit simulation. In this paradigm, high-quality, expressive simulation patterns are pre-generated to be reused in multiple runs of optimization and verification algorithms, resulting in reduced time-consuming Boolean com- putations such as SAT-solving.

    • Who wrote multilevel logic synthesis?

      R. K. Brayton, G. D. Hachtel, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, “Multilevel logic synthesis,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 264–300, 1990. G. De Micheli, Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits.

    • What is simulation-guided resubstitution in logic synthesis?

      SIMULATION-GUIDED RESUBSTITUTION In this section, the simulation-guided paradigm is demon- strated with Boolean resubstitution as an example application in logic synthesis. The main difference of our algorithm, compared to a state-of-the-art resubstitution algorithm , 0. is in the representation of the divisors.

    • [PDF File]Exploring Logic Optimizations with Reinforcement Learning and ...


      the ABC is composed of logic synthesis, technology mapping, and verification. Because of the variety of technology and the more "black box" nature, the logic synthesis community has focused on the logic synthesis algorithm alone. In other words, the literature often targets to optimize the statistic of the logic graph, such as the

    • [PDF File]A Simulation-Guided Paradigm for Logic Synthesis and Verification


      A logic synthesis algorithm, Boolean resubstitution, and a verification algorithm, combinational equivalence checking, are two examples of using this paradigm. In simulation-guided Boolean resubstitution, simulation patterns are used for efficient filtering of optimization choices, leading to a lower cost in expanding the search space.

    • [PDF File]Introduction to Formal Verification and Logic Synthesis


      Boolean Satisfiability Problem • Problem definition ∃π‘₯π‘₯βƒ—.𝑓𝑓π‘₯π‘₯βƒ—= 1. • One of the most famous NP-complete problems • 𝑓𝑓π‘₯π‘₯βƒ—is usually given as CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) a.k.a. POS

    • [PDF File]Why Logic Synthesis How does it work? Why Not Logic Synthesis


      circuit netlist Converts Verilog (or other HDL) description to implementation technology specific primitives: For FPGAs: LUTs, flip-flops, and RAM blocks For ASICs: standard cell gate and flip-flop libraries, and memory blocks. Page 2 Synthesis Tool How does it work? A variety of general and ad-hoc (special case) methods:

    • [PDF File]L02 Logic Synthesis 2019 - MIT


      Logic Synthesis • Primitive logic gates, universal gates • Truth tables and sum-of-products • Logic simplification, Karnaugh Maps • General implementation techniques: muxes and look-up tables (LUTs) • Nexy4 • Verilog basics Lecture 2 6.111 Fall 2019 1 Reminder: Lab #1 due this Thu/Fri Handouts • lecture slides, • LPset #2

    • [PDF File]Logic Synthesis Meets Machine Learning: Trading Exactness for ...


      Abstract—Logic synthesis is a fundamental step in hard- ware design whose goal is to find structural representations of Boolean functions while minimizing delay and area. If the function is completely-specified, the implementa- tion accurately represents the function.

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