What to do for high blood pressure

    • [DOC File]How to Support your Family Member with High Blood Pressure


      Since learning of Bob’s high blood pressure, Marge has been nervous, but has taken a “don’t rock the boat” approach toward his care. After four months on a new medicine, Bob’s blood pressure hasn’t changed. He’s frustrated about his lack of progress, and Marge is wondering if she should change her “hands-off” approach. What could Bob’s wife and family do to support him ...

      controlling blood pressure

    • [DOC File]Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) - Veterans Affairs


      If blood pressure is too high, it may damage the walls of the arteries. This may cause buildup of fats and cholesterol. It may clog your arteries and cause them to harden. What do the numbers mean? Blood pressure is measured by two numbers. The top number is . systolic. pressure (when the heart beats). The bottom number is . diastolic. pressure (when the heart rests between beats). While the ...

      high blood pressure remedies

    • [DOC File]Feeling great, looking good PDF


      Hypertension (high blood pressure) affects the blood vessels in the retina of the eye, which are very thin and delicate. Changes to the status of these blood vessels are called hypertensive retinopathy (40). If blood pressure is left uncontrolled the result can be sight loss caused by leakage of the blood vessels and swelling of the nerve in the eye. High levels of cholesterol in people who ...

      blood pressure management

    • [DOC File]Home Blood Pressure Record Sheet


      Home blood pressure monitoring. We appreciate it is difficult but you should take blood pressure at least twice daily in the morning and evening. For each blood pressure recording, take two consecutive measurements at least 1 minute apart and whilst you are seated. Do this for a minimum of 4 days, ideally for 7 days. Name _____ Date of Birth/Patient Number_____ Date Time Systolic (upper value ...

      blood pressure cure

    • [DOC File]Quit Smoking Readiness Assessment – Patient’s Use


      you can do to protect your health now and in the future. Evidence suggests smoking cessation programs can reduce the risk of chronic disease, other health complications, and subsequent use of the health care system. If you are willing to quit in the next 30 days your community pharmacist can help to establish the best option for you including pharmacological therapy and other support ...

      how to bring blood pressure down quickly

    • Arti and Alex Sobainsky

      Blood Pressure – what you can do … In this issue we would like to talk about our blood pressure. Why is it important? Because if your blood pressure is high it increases your risk not just for heart attacks and strokes but it can also enlarge your heart, which can lead to heart failure and damage to your kidneys. Not many people know this, but the kidneys are the main organs that control ...

      how to lower your blood pressure

    • [DOC File]Teaching Plan for High Blood Pressure Management


      Teaching Plan for High Blood Pressure Management. New York City College of Technology. Mirielle Leconte. Vanessa Ismael. June 19, 2012. Introduction. Hypertension is defined as a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. This elevation makes the heart work harder than usual to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Many adults suffer from this condition and ...

      10 foods that lower blood pressure

    • High Blood Pressure: How can we do better?

      High blood pressure affects more than 1 in 4 adults in England – around 12.5 million people in 2015. The prevalence of high blood pressure for adults in England in 2015 was 31% among men and 26% among women, with little change over the last few years. There is robust evidence that action to lower blood pressure does reduce the risk to health.

      what to do for hypertension

    • [DOC File]HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - Edina Family Physicians


      High blood pressure (also called hypertension) occurs when your blood moves through your arteries at a higher pressure than normal. What do the numbers mean? Blood pressure is really two measurements, separated by a slash when written down, such as 120/80. You may also hear someone say a blood pressure is “120 over 80.” The first number is the systolic blood pressure. This is the …

      controlling blood pressure

    • [DOC File]Tuberculosis Skin Testing - KidneyWeb


      Most people with high blood pressure do not have any symptoms. You may feel fine, but high blood pressure can seriously damage many of your body’s organs. This includes the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and eyes. High blood pressure can also cause headaches, nosebleeds, vision problems and even seizures. What is the treatment for high blood pressure? Eating less salt, getting more …

      high blood pressure remedies

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