What was there before space

    • What existed before the Big Bang theory?

      Before the big bang, nothing existed, not even space. Space and time, according to scientists like Steven Hawking, George Ellis and Roger Penrose, were created after the big bang. The three scientists performed mathematical calculations to help prove their ideas in the 1960s and 1970s.

    • What was space before the Big Bang?

      Past research suggested the Big Bang was preceded by infinite energies and space-time warping where existing scientific theories break down, making it impossible to peer beforehand. The new findings suggest that although the levels of energy and space-time warping before the Big Bang were both incredibly high, they were finite.

    • What was the first spaceship to go into space?

      On 12 April 1961, the Vostok 3KA-3 (Vostok 1) spacecraft with Gagarin aboard was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. Gagarin thus became both the first human to travel into space, and the first to orbit the Earth.

    • What existed before the Big Bang?

      Before the Big Bang brought about the universe we know, there was another universe and black holes could be proof of its existence, claims Nobel prize winner. Sir Roger Penrose won the Nobel Prize for Physics for a paper that used Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity to prove black holes exist and explain how they form.

    • [PDF File]APA Style 7th Edition


      comma and their initials. If there are multiple authors for the same work, format each of their names this way, with commas between them and an ampersand before the last name. Example: Bernstein, D. A., & Borkovek, T. D.

      what was there before time

    • [PDF File]Chapter 2: Probability


      Definition: A sample space, Ω, is a set of possible outcomes of a random experiment. Definition: An event, A, is a subset of the sample space. This means that event Ais simply a collection of outcomes. Example: Random experiment: Pick a person in this class at random. Sample space: Ω = {all people in class} Event A: A= {all males in class}.

      before youtube what was there

    • [PDF File]Children’s need for time and space to play


      There is no doubt that children’s access to space and time for play has dramatically altered over the latter part of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. Many of the concerns that relate to environments for play are indicative of general global

      what was there before facebook

    • [PDF File]Henri Lefebvre’s Theory of the Production of Space …


      There are also striking parallels between Lefebvre and Raymond Williams’ cultural materialism. Lefebvre also anticipated discussions of the commodification of the communicative commons. Keywords: Henri Lefebvre, critical theory of communication, political economy, production of space, critical theory, Marxist theory, humanist Marxism 1.

      before there was you

    • [PDF File]Confined Spaces in Construction: Pits


      potential hazards in the space. • Ensuring that the air in a confined space is tested, before workers enter, for oxygen levels, flammable and toxic substances, and stratified atmospheres. • If a permit is required for the space, removing or controlling hazards in the space and determining rescue procedures and necessary equipment.

      what was there before earth

    • [PDF File]Effective Punctuation Handout 1


      There is a general presumption against double spacing after a period. When proofreading your writing, do a Ctrl+F search for “[period][space][space]” to get rid of any double spacing between sentences. 8. When to capitalize after colons Colons introduce words, phrases, or a series of words or phrases that explain or amplify what came before.

      what was there before god

    • [PDF File]Confined Space - Home | Occupational Safety and …


      name of the person certifying the space must be on the certificate. This certificate must be made available to employees before entering the space. If hazards arise in a confined space that has been declassified, each employee must exit the space. The contractor must determine if the space needs to be reclassified as a permit-required confined ...

      me before there was you

    • [PDF File]LaTeX Spacing Tricks


      There is a nhspace{1in} before this. There is also a nhspace{1in} after this . Use nhspace* to force space even at line breaks. nvspace{ height} makes a vertical space. Use in vertical mode. There was a nvspace{.6in} at the end of the previous line. Use nvspace* to force space even at a page break. Math

      what was there before

    • [PDF File]Q: What do you do on the International Space Station …


      to the space station, three people are crammed into a small space. The crew gets in the Soyuz about two and a half hours before launch. Once the crew is all strapped in, they perform a series of pre-flight checks of all the Soyuz systems. When the checks are finished, the crew waits while workers on the launch pad do the final rocket preparations.

      what was there before time

    • [PDF File]Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration


      There are numerous cases of societal benefits linked to new knowledge and technology from space exploration. Space exploration has contributed to many diverse aspects of everyday life, from solar panels to implantable heart monitors, from cancer therapy to light‐ ...

      before youtube what was there

    • [DOC File]Confined spaces (permit-required) - Oregon


      Before gas welding or burning is begun in a confined space, are hoses checked for leaks, compressed-gas bottles removed, and torches lit only outside the confined space area, to be returned to the confined space only after testing for explosive atmosphere?

      what was there before facebook

    • Harvard Thesis Template

      Note that the C-Head is on the same line as the rest of the paragraph; it’s not indented; and there is no additional space before the C-Head as there is with other headers. C-Heads will automatically be added to the Table of Contents, directly below the previous subsection title and with a 1.5-inch indent, each time you update the whole TOC.

      before there was you

    • [DOC File]How to enter, work, and exit Confined Spaces


      Jul 18, 2013 · Before the employee is first assigned permit space duties. Before there is a change in assigned duties. Whenever there is a change in permit space operations that presents a new hazard. Whenever there are inadequacies in an employee's knowledge. Division/department/area heads shall certify that the required training has been accomplished.

      what was there before earth

    • [DOCX File]THESIS FORMATTING GUIDE - Purdue University


      All figure captions should have 6pt space before and 24pt space after the captions.15. Figure 4. This figure represents depicts the amount of space that should appear between the figure caption and continuation of the text. ... You can see that there is a single space between both the table label and caption and between the caption and the table.

      what was there before god

    • File: chap10, Chapter 10

      A. Space renovations. B. Additional capital equipment purchases. C. Capital equipment refurbished/upgraded. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. Ans: D . Page: 190 . 10. The information flowing from these inputs to the capital expenditure budget would generally result in: A. An estimate of the capital dollars required

      me before there was you

    • [DOCX File]Permit space program - Oregon


      The oxygen content must be between 19.5% and 23.5%, but should also be within 0.1% of the oxygen level outside of the space. Ensure that all other identified atmospheric hazards are absent before entering the space. Continuously monitor the space during the entire duration of the entry.

      what was there before


      Footnotes should be formatted so there is one line of space before each note. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. 3rd Level Subheading. Turabian suggests a run-in paragraph sub-heading with a period. However, MS Word formats according to paragraph breaks, and so the entire paragraph becomes styled as that heading.

      what was there before time



      However, there may be situations where it is in the best interests of the government to have a contractor employee receive training that is directly related to the scope of work being performed. It is important to keep in mind that meeting minimum contract personnel qualification requirements is …

      before youtube what was there

    • [DOCX File]1


      Title: P.7.Confined Space Entry. Purpose: The purpose of this program element is to assure that there is an appropriate written protocol or standard operating procedure to follow when entering, for any reason, any area that has limited openings for entry and exit that would make escape difficult in an emergency, has a lack of ventilation, contains known and potential hazards, and/or is not ...

      what was there before facebook

    • [DOC File]CR Problems 1 - University of Minnesota


      In the plot, a vicious criminal (Natasha Nogood) escapes from a space station prison. The prison is located between galaxies far away from any stars. Natasha steals a small space ship and blasts off to meet her partners somewhere in deep space. The stolen ship accelerates in a straight line at its maximum possible acceleration of 30 m/sec2.

      before there was you

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