What worked well

    • [DOC File]Lessons Learned Post Project Survey


      The respondents should be encouraged to provide not only a numerical rating (where 1=Not at All or Poor; 2=Adequate or Satisfactory; and 3=To a great extent or Excellent), but also provide their comments as to what worked well, what could have been done better, and …

      what's working well examples

    • [DOCX File]1yfd8w35xqq41q3ou63czp8h-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com


      What worked well? Areas to identify could be someone who shone, a method employed, a problem solved. Were expectations clearly conveyed before, during, and after the event. Why or why not? What did we hear (feedback, social media, hallway, etc.)? Technology Review: Are we using the most efficient technology? What areas could we improve?

      retrospective what went well

    • [DOC File]Prime Genesis


      What worked well? What worked less well? Implications? Prospective coaching: End in mind? Situation? Barrier/problem to solve? How close gap/solve problem? Tool: Utilize 360-degree feedback or more detailed diagnostic tool to determine areas for improvement.

      worked well synonym

    • [DOCX File]Homepage - CMU - Carnegie Mellon University


      In the space below, identify approaches your group tried that worked well, and explain why they were effective. In the space below, identify approaches your group tried that did not work well, and explain why they were ineffective.

      what is employee well being

    • [DOCX File]cdn.ymaws.com


      You should reflect on your experiences with information and records management services and explain what you have learnt, what worked well, what didn’t, what you would do again, and what improvements you would make in the future.

      what worked what didn't work

    • [DOCX File]AFH Meaningful Activities – Monthly Activities and ...


      What activities worked well in Week 4: Week 5. Start date: 29th – 31st . ONLY IF NEEDED. Number of IN-HOME activities attended: RARELY / OFTEN SOMENEVER . On the whole: Client participated? Client enjoyed? Number of COMMUNITY-BASED Activities attended: RARELY / OFTEN SOMENEVER . On the whole: Client participated?

      retro what went well

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