When do you get cravings in pregnancy

    • [DOCX File]Evaluation of Weight Related Medical Conditions


      Did you ever gain more than 20 pounds in less than 3 months? Y / N If so, when?_____ How much did you weigh: one year ago? _____Five years ago? _____ 10 years ago? _____ Life events associated withweight gain (check all that apply): MarriageDivorce Pregnancy Abuse IllnessTravelInjuryNightshift work Job change Quitting smoking Alcohol Drugs

    • [DOC File]Facilitators of Change - USDA


      “What help concerning pregnancy do you need the most?” ... Won’t have constant cravings controlling you…where you will go smoke. Reduce risk of illness – better able to fight off colds and flu. In 1 year, risk of smoking related heart disease is cut in half.

    • [DOC File]The information in this article is general in nature and ...


      Cravings for foods are common in pregnancy and in theory can indicate a need or deficit in a diet. Cravings for healthy foods can be indulged, but cravings for non-food substances (pica), such as clay or laundry starch can be harmful, and should be reported to your care provider.

    • Naval Hospital Sigonella-OB-GYN

      The second trimester of pregnancy (3 to 6 months) is a period of rapid growth for you and your baby. At the end of the sixth month, your baby is about 9 inches long and weighs 1 1/2 pounds. You will begin to feel the baby move between 18 and 20 weeks of the pregnancy.

    • [DOCX File]Evaluation of Weight Related Medical Conditions


      Food cravings: Sugar Chocolate Starches Salty High Fat Large Portions. ... How many hours do you sleep per night? _____ Do you feel rested in the morning? ... Age of first pregnancy: _____ Age of last pregnancy: _____ S. ystem Review (Check all that apply) Recent weight loss more than 10 pounds.

    • [DOC File]Biological Mother’s


      Did you have any food cravings during a previous pregnancy? Yes ( No (If yes, please describe: To your knowledge, were you exposed to lead or mercury during any pregnancy? Yes ( No ( If yes, please describe: Did you have any excessive bleeding during any prior pregnancy? Yes ( No (If yes, please explain:

    • [DOC File]What to Do About Morning Sickness


      What to Do About Morning Sickness Like many pregnant women, you may feel nauseated and even vomit at times. This is called morning sickness, though it can happen at any time of day.Many women find it stops during weeks 12-16 of pregnancy.

    • Naval Hospital Sigonella-OB-GYN

      You gain more than 2 pounds of weight in a week and you notice swelling of your face, hands, feet or legs. You gain 5 pounds or more in 1 week (even if you do not have swelling of your hands, face, legs or feet). You get exposed to German measles and have never had them. You are exposed to fifth disease or chicken pox.

    • [DOC File]Family and Consumer Sciences


      Rally Robin: What you’re going to do to be EXCELLENT this year! Get to Know You Activity. Hall Passes. ... Unit 2: Pregnancy 13 8/29 I can identify the stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy PPT & Notes. ... Food Cravings Article and Article Reflection.

    • [DOC File]Name: ___________________________________________ Date


      How many times during the night do you get up to urinate? _____ Do you feel rested when you wake?_____ ... _____ Please list any food cravings: _____ ... I understand the same herbs may be inappropriate during pregnancy and will inform my practitioner immediately of pregnancy status. If I experience any gastro-intestinal reactions to the herbs ...



      We may have strong aversions or cravings that are not healthy for us, especially during pregnancy. ... You can get vitamin D from sunlight and some foods. It is possible to take too much vitamin D if you are taking supplements. It is recommended that a pregnant woman needs 10-12.5 mcg (400-500 IUs) per day. ... it is recommended that you salt ...

    • [DOC File]OB/GYN Student Study Guide


      Amniocentesis can be done to get baby’s karyotype if abn US, aberrant MSAFP, Adv Maternal Age or Family history of abnormalities . Can do a Chorionic Villi Sampling @ 9 – 11 weeks if you need a karyotype sooner, have inc. risk of PPROM, previable delivery, fetal injury however. PUBS



      Infection during pregnancy, or child had an infection when he/she was born (such as CMV, syphilis, German measles) Changes in his/her head or face (such as no ear canal, cleft palate, etc.) Your child has a medical syndrome (such as Down Syndrome).

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