When smallpox start and end

    • [DOC File]What is Smallpox


      Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease. ... As the rash appears, the fever usually falls and the person may start to feel better. ... By the end of the second week after the rash appears, most of the sores have scabbed over. Resolving Scabs (Duration: about 6 days) Contagious

      a case of smallpox

    • [DOC File]In the early 1800s, women were second-class citizens


      Smallpox: A highly infectious and often fatal disease characterized by fever, headache, and skin sores that result in extensive scarring. Once a dreaded killer, smallpox was eradicated in 1980 following a worldwide vaccination campaign.

      smallpox in ancient china

    • [DOC File]Script and Bibliography: Bioterrorism Responses by Health ...


      Smallpox, although it Aonly@ has a mortality rate of 30%, produces severe scaring of the skin, may involve the eyes, and results in major disfigurements in survivors. A particular concern in smallpox is that it is highly transmissible. Tularemia has a lethality of 30-60% but is …

      how did smallpox stop

    • [DOC File]Smallpox Preparedness Vaccination Progress Report


      smallpox preparedness vaccination program progress report Report is due every Monday at 12 noon and should reflect work done up until close of business the previous Friday. Fax report to 304-558-6335 or e-mail it to wvsmallpoxvac@wvdhhr.org

      smallpox 1520

    • [DOCX File]Crash Course World History: #31 - Ms. Adams's Classroom


      Where did factories start, and where/how did the factory system spread? ... Macartney Mission to open up China and end Canton System-Failed. 1796: Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccination (earlier for Ottoman’s) 1804: Haitian independence: L’Overture takes over 1794, Napoleon fails to retake in 1802 ...

      how long was smallpox around



      Apr 17, 2003 · • Inspect the interior/exterior of buildings for suspicious items at the beginning and end of each workday and at random intervals. ... Smallpox / Smallpox Vaccine / Vaccinia 24. Disease List 25. ... District, County and other local public health partners. The OCR is expected to begin this coordination effort, start recording all ...

      smallpox name

    • Title: Alphabet Diffusion

      In the end, answer the questions on the last page. Staple the following and turn in to the bin: Traditional World Map. GeoHistogram. Questions Smallpox Dates: Smallpox outbreaks in Nile River Valley and Mesopotamia, 10,000 BCE. Smallpox epidemics in China and India, 3,000 BCE. Smallpox documented in Athens, Greece, 490 BCE. Smallpox documented ...

      how long did smallpox exist

    • [DOC File]Outline for Independent Study Project – EMSE 298


      April 21, 1947, President Truman vaccinated on eve of NYC visit. Medical teams start vaccination drive in NYC high schools, plan to continue drive in elementary schools. April 22, 1947 Diagnosis of Staten Island death changed from smallpox to other causes; false rumor causes vaccination rush on SI.

      how did smallpox end

    • [DOCX File]Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines, and a History ...


      At the end of the 1800s smallpox changed its character. After the summer of 1897, the severe type of smallpox with its high death rate, with few exceptions, had entirely disappeared from the United States. Smallpox had turned from a disease that killed 1 in 5 of its victims to anywhere from 1 …

      a case of smallpox

    • [DOC File]Chapter 2: Preparedness - FEMA


      Instead of presenting topics in a start-to-finish, cover-to-cover format that few people might find the time to read, the 40-page booklet is designed so that each topic is a one- or two-page standalone lesson that can be utilized without having read any other part of the guide. ... Smallpox. Methamphetamine Labs. Preparing Your Household for ...

      smallpox in ancient china

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