When to put punctuation in quotes

    • [DOC File]Quotes in an Essay


      The length of your quote determines the citation punctuation. Quotes 4 lines or shorter continue as part of the paragraph but are set off by quotation marks. The end of the last sentence of the quote is followed by a parenthetical citation (MLA style) that indicates the author’s last name and the page from which the quote is taken.

      commas before quotes

    • [DOC File]Quote Integration Guidelines - Dow English


      Consider the citation part of the sentence and put punctuation after the closing parenthesis. A primary limitation of the life history method is its reliance on “retrospective evidence” (Yow, 1994, p. 18).

      quotation punctuation examples

    • [DOC File]Citations/References in Text


      Short quotes: These can be dropped into sentences. They must be part of the larger sentence structure, so that if you were reading aloud, listeners wouldn’t know where your words ended and the quote began. You should put speech marks around the inserted words, at the beginning and end, and include any punctuation inside the speech marks.

      quotation marks and punctuation



      Put colons and semicolons outside quotation marks 5. Question marks. 6. Exclamation points Question marks and exclamation point go inside the quotation marks if they apply to the quoted portion, but they go outside if they apply to the entire sentence THINGS TO REMEMBER Do not punctuate indirect quotes

      quotations and commas



      RULE #4: Do not put a period at the end of a quotation followed by things like . she said, mom asked, he. explained, etc. Use commas, question marks, and exclamation marks but not periods. Periods end sentences. “My Algebra class is driving me crazy!” Paul yelled. “That's my favorite class,” Becky replied.

      rules for quotation punctuation



      The punctuation follows standard punctuation guidelines when quotes are chunked and embedded in the essayist’s sentence. There would be a comma after the word “mutable” without the quotation marks: therefore, there must be a comma despite the quotation marks.

      question mark comma and quotes

    • Does Punctuation Go Inside Quotation Marks?

      Punctuation of Quotations(Use of punctuation to lead in to quotes. Use a colon or comma before a full-sentence quote. Use a . comma. after common verbs like “states,” “comments,” and “asks.” Also, use a comma after prepositional phrases that precede a quote.--As Latzer says, “Virtually unbridled student choice is not, however, a persuasive

      punctuation at end of quote

    • [DOC File]Use a colon or comma before a full-sentence quote


      Remember to put the period after the citation for short quotes and paraphrases and before the citation for long quotes. Quotes that would be more than 4 typed lines should be started on a new line, box indented 1 inch from the left margin, and double spaced. Remember that you do not need quotation marks for long indented quotes.

      how to punctuate a quote

    • [DOC File]Using Quotes to Support Your Thesis


      If a quote ends with a question mark or exclamation point, then put that punctuation before the quotation marks, to make sure the intended emotion is retained. Ex.: During their phone conversation, Toby's father tries to win Toby over by saying, "I've made some mistakes . . . .

      commas before quotes



      If the quote is longer than a paragraph, put quotes at the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last paragraph. Use single quotes for a quote within a quote. She asked, “Did he say, ‘I’m tired’?”

      quotation punctuation examples

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