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    • [PDF File]Computer Skills: Levels of Proficiency - Concordia University


      Computer Skills: Levels of Proficiency . Because of the continually increasing use of computers in our daily communications and work, the knowledge of computer systems and the ability to work with word processing, data management, and spreadsheet and data analysis programs have become essential requirements for many positions at Concordia. The ...

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      3 USING MICROSOFT WORD A word processor is a computer program used to create and print text documents that might otherwise be prepared on a typewriter. The key …

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    • [PDF File]Ms word practical exam paper pdf


      ms word practical exam paper pdf MS Excel application is most suitable for storing any kind of numerical data. Name the tool used for finding synonyms and antonyms in Word. Word, Power Point Presentation slides in MS-Power Point and Table in MS. SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER FOR COMPUTER SKILL TEST. Ms Office Package Practical Questions - Free download ...

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    • [PDF File]Introduction to Excel, Word and Powerpoint


      EXCEL Why a SpreadSheet? • A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a paper ledger sheet.It consists of a grid made from columns and rows. It is an environment that can make number manipulation easy. • If you change the mg/day amount, you will have to start the math all over again.

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    • [PDF File]Introduction to Word Processing


      School of Computer Science, Carleton University COMP 1001 Introduction to Computers Version 03.f 3-5 Word Perfect 9 • Word Perfect (version 9) is a sophisticated word processor from Corel Office 2000. • The latest version is Word Perfect 11 but all basic (and many advanced) features are still the same.

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    • [PDF File]Microsoft Office 2007 WORD Assignments Computers Grade 9


      Italicize the word, aerial. 13. Underline the word, and, in the first bulleted paragraph. 14. Change the spacing before the headline to .0 point. Change the spacing after the first paragraph of body copy to 0 point. Change the spacing before the first bulleted paragraph to 12 point. 15. Insert the picture centered above the bulleted list, the picture is called Airplane Ride over City and is ...

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