Which arab countries are sunni

    • [DOC File]Sunnis and Shia (Shiites)


      But the Arab Spring has brought a seismic shift in the sectarian landscape. With civil war and political chaos rippling through the region, the deadly divide now runs through the Muslim world itself. In Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and Iraq, Sunni and Shia Muslims are struggling for power while religious intolerance rises violently in Egypt.

      sunni arab nations

    • [DOC File]The Shi’a problem:


      The original charter members were Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan (now Jordan), Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Although not an original signatory of the charter because he represented no official government, a representative of Palestinian Arabs was given full status and a vote in the Arab League. Countries Joining in Subsequent Years:

      shiite muslim countries

    • [DOC File]Arab, Ashanti, Bantu, OR Swahili Ethnic Groups


      Sunni Arabs e. Persian. Shi’a Arabs f. Turkish Kurds Baluch List. ethnic groups that are spread over 2 or more bordering countries. List . countries that are divided into 2 major ethnicities, 3 major ethnicities, and 4 or more major ethnicities. Hypothesize . the impact of having an ethnic group being split between 2+ countries.

      how many sunni are there

    • [DOC File]Modern Middle East – Ethnicity


      Religion permeates every aspect of life in Muslim countries and understanding Sunni and Shia beliefs is important in understanding the modern Muslim world. The Beginnings The division between the Sunnis and the Shia is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. To understand it, it is good to know a little bit about the political legacy of ...

      shia countries

    • [DOCX File]Ms. Williams' Student Site


      “Its Arab people are part of the Arab nation.” ___ Sunni Arabs ___ Shiite Arabs ___ Kurds ___ All groups “Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation. No law. can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam.” ___ Sunni Arabs ___ Shiite Arabs ___ Kurds ___ All …

      sunni muslim countries list

    • Sunni Versus Shiite: Countries, History, Impact

      The 2 groups that make up Arabs are the Bedouins (nomads) and the settled Arabs. Bedouins are mainly Sunni Muslim. Arab people began to spread into North Africa in the late 600s AD, when the first Muslim armies arrived in Egypt. From there, Arab armies, traders, and scholars spread across northern Africa all the way to Morocco.

      shia muslim countries list

    • [DOC File]From the middle of 1949 until the beginning of 1954, The ...


      The Sunni cooperated with the British. In Iraq, ... Many of the foreign interests involved in the IPC had concessions in other Arab countries; as a consequence, production from Iraqi wells was often kept deliberately low to ensure a high price for oil. In short, while Iraq benefited financially from oil, it did not control the supply or pricing ...

      is iran shia or sunni

    • [DOCX File]The Kurds are a non-Arabic ethnic group and speak a ...


      A Sunni Arab from Hama who had ably led a division of volunteer troops in Palestine during the 1948 war, Shishakli was keenly aware of the growing Arab nationalist sentiment among Syrians that Za`im ignored and often belittled. ... The Arab countries would be only too pleased to absorb them but it was not sufficient simply to set them down on ...

      sunni nations



      As a result, the Arab identity is defined independently of religion. More than 90 percent of Arabs are Muslims. Most belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. However, significant Shia Muslim communities exist in Iraq, the eastern Arabian Peninsula, Bahrain, and Lebanon. Some Shias live in most other Arab countries.

      sunni arab nations

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