Which of these is a complete sentence

    • What three things must a complete sentence have?

      A complete sentence must have four things: 1. a subject 2. a verb 3. complete thought 4. end with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point We are going to cover each of these three things in detail, but before we do, here are the key terms and concepts about sentences: 1. Clauses (independent clauses and dependent clauses) make sentences.

    • What are the five components of a complete sentence?

      Sentence Components Subject. The subject is a noun or pronoun that tells what or who the sentence is about. The Predicate. The predicate includes the verb and other words that tell what the subject is doing or what the subject is like. Direct Objects. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a main verb. ... Indirect Objects. ...

    • How do you use complete in a sentence?

      A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause.

    • Which sentence expresses a complete thought?

      A sentence that expresses a complete thought and has one subject and one predicate is a simple sentence.Sentence structures could be simple (one independent clause), compound (two independent clause with coordinating conjunction), complex (a subordinate & independent clause) and compound-complex sentences (subordinate & two independent clause).

    • [PDF File]A sentence is a group of words that tells a …


      A sentence is a group of words that tells a COMPLETE idea. The words are in an order that make sense. The dog runs fast. ===== sentence The dog. ... Complete each sentence with an exact noun of your own. Rewrite the sentences. Ask yourself after you choose the noun, is there a more exact word that you can use.

      what is a full sentence

    • [PDF File]Table of Contents


      Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments Sentences and Sentence Fragments The basic structure in language is the sentence. A sentence is composed of at least two elements: a subject and a verb. Of course, there may be other parts of speech used in addition to the subject and verb. A complete sentence, though,

      what makes a complete sentence

    • [PDF File]The Compound-Complex Sentence


      An independent clause makes a statement or asks a question that can act as a complete sentence. Example: The dog barks. Dependent Clause A dependent clause cannot act as a complete sentence because it begins with a subordinating word, such as when, because, if, whoever, etc. Example: When the dog barks.

      what does a complete sentence require

    • [PDF File]The Complete Sentence


      • Most importantly, the complete sentence has at least one main clause. Each main clause contains a subject and a verb. Together, this pair expresses a complete thought. Read these examples: The banana rotting at the bottom of Jimmy's book bag has soaked his …

      complete and incomplete sentence

    • [PDF File]Sentence structure What is a complete sentence?


      question mark. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. Andy reads quickly. This is a complete sentence as it contains a verb (reads), expresses a complete idea and it does not need any further information for the reader to understand the sentence. When Andy reads is an incomplete ...

      examples of complete sentences

    • [PDF File]The Complete Sentence - CNM


      The Complete Sentence A sentence is a group of words that has a subject (doer of the action) and a predicate (the action or state of being). This makes a sentence a complete thought. The subject is the person, place, or thing we are writing about. The predicate is what the subject is or does. Both the subject and the predicate may be one word ...

      complete and incomplete sentence practice

    • [PDF File]What is a “Complete Sentence”?


      Sentence Fragments. Without both a subject and a complete predicate, a construction is a fragment: John Lennon’s molar was sold at auction for thousands of dollars. Which makes it one of the most famous teeth ever. The words in bold face are a sentence fragment; these words are a “subordinate clause,” and subordinate clauses are not

      what is a complete idea sentence

    • [DOC File]Incomplete Sentences Blank – Adult Form


      Complete these sentences to express your real feelings. Try to do every one. Be sure to make a complete sentence. 1. The happiest time_____ 2. My earliest memory of my mother_____ 3. What annoys me_____ 4.

      is this a complete sentence

    • [DOC File]Elements of a Complete Sentence


      is a clause containing a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. INDEPENDENT CLAUSE by itself = SENTENCE: Steve excels in the classroom. Subject. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. S . Joe. purchased a new car.

      what is a full sentence

    • [DOCX File]Answers


      Which of these best completes the sentence below? ... Complete the sentence with the correct preposition. Achebe climbed _____ the horse and smiled as if she had been doing it for years. A. onto. B. beyond. C. throughout. D. after. 30. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.

      what makes a complete sentence

    • [DOC File]Demonstration Speech Sample Outline


      Sample Complete Sentence Outline “PERSONAL RECIPE COLLECTION COOKBOOK” Purpose: To explain to my audience the process of making a personal recipe collection cookbook.. I. INTRODUCTION: A. (Anecdote) Several years ago, I made a meal for my daughter of …

      what does a complete sentence require

    • [DOC File]English Grammar in Use


      8.3 Complete these sentences using today/this year/this term etc. 1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven't seen him today. 2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I --- today. 3. Last year the company made a profit but this year ---4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but ---5. It snowed a lot last winter but ---6.

      complete and incomplete sentence

    • [DOCX File]physics.gmu.edu


      Create a definition (using a complete sentence) for each of these items based on your labels from the atomic symbol above. Element Symbol. Charge. Atomic Number. Mass Number. Practice applying your understanding by playing the 3rd and 4th game levels. Play until you can get …

      examples of complete sentences

    • [DOC File]The Articles of the Constitution Worksheets [Answer Key]


      Directions: Complete the following outline of Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution by filling in the missing information of the different sections and clauses. Article 4: Relations Among the States. Section 1: ___Full Faith and Credit_____ Each state must recognize the official ___acts___ and …

      complete and incomplete sentence practice

    • [DOC File]Run-on Sentences, Comma Splices and Fragments


      A complete sentence has (minimally) two parts, a subject and a verb. A sentence must also express a complete thought. Such a phrase consisting of a subject and a verb (with complete meaning) is also called an independent clause. Example: He writes music. This sentence has a subject and verb.

      what is a complete idea sentence

    • [DOC File]Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ...


      Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning.

      is this a complete sentence

    • [DOC File]The Parts of a Sentence


      The Parts of a Sentence. A complete sentence must have a subject and a verb and be able to stand alone. Joe dropped the ball. The subject, Joe, is the main person, place or thing (noun) discussed in the sentence. The verb, dropped, is a word that expresses action or helps to make a statement.

      what is a full sentence

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