Which statement is false

    • [PDF File]Chapter 2.2 Conditional Statements


      A conditional statement that is true by virtue of the fact that its hypothesis is false is called vacuously true or true by default. In general, when the "if" part of an if-then statement is false, the statement as a whole is said to be true, regardless of whether the conclusion is true or false. For example: If 0 = 1, then 1 = 2.

    • [PDF File]Three Ways to Prove “If A, then B.”


      Suppose B is false.... Therefore A is false. PROOF BY CONTRADICTION. Again, if the statement “If A, then B” is really true, then it’s impossible for A to be true while B is false. In other words, it is a contradiction to assume A is true and B is false. Of course, since you have not proved “If A, then B” is a true statement, this ...



      TRUE-FALSE EXAMS Strategy 1: For a statement to be true, each part must be true. One detail can make an entire statement false. Example: Jean Piaget made some revolutionary discoveries about child behavior during the nineteenth century. Answer: False. Although Piaget did make discoveries about child behavior, he did so during the twentieth century.

    • [PDF File]Q1-1: Which of the following statement is true about ...


      Statement B is true, Statement A is false. A. For logistic regression, sometimes gradient descent will converge to a local minimum (and fail to find the global minimum). B. The cost function for logistic regression trained with 1 or more examples is always greater than or equal to zero.



      Whether this statement is true or false depends upon whether its variable parts are true or false, as well as on the behavior of the “or” connective and the “negation” operator. Later, we will make a truth table for this statement. A truth table for this statement will take into account every possible combination of the

    • [PDF File]Section 1. Statements and Truth Tables 1.1 Simple Statements


      length’ is a false statement since a rhombus is a quadrilateral with sides of equal length that is not necessarily a square. Section 2. Equivalent Statements, Negating Statements 2.1 Equivalent Statements It is reasonable to think that the biconditional, P ⇔ Q is in some way equivalent

    • [PDF File]Practice Questions for Chapters 1 and 2 - JMU


      Mark the statement TRUE or FALSE. T F 31. {1} ∈ P(A). T F 32. ∅ ⊆ A. T F 33. {∅} ⊆ P(A). T F 34. ∅ ⊆ P(A). T F 35. {2,4} ∈ A × A. T F 36. {∅} ∈ P(A). In questions 37-41 below determine whether the rule describes a function with the given domain and codomain. 37. f: N → N where f ()nn= . 38. h: R → R where hx()= x

    • [PDF File]SAMPLE EXAM QUESTIONS Sample True/False Questions


      Sample True/False Questions: Instructions: For each of the following questions, choose if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. In order for an answer to be TRUE, ALL parts of the statement must be true. On the answer sheet, mark A if the statement is TRUE and B if the statement is FALSE for each question. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

    • [PDF File]TruthTables,Tautologies,andLogicalEquivalences


      The statement “10 >42” is false. You can’t tell whether the statement “Ichabod Xerxes eats chocolate cupcakes” is true or false — but it doesn’t matter. If the “if” part of an “if-then” statement is false, then the “if-then” statement is true. (Check the truth table for P → Q if you’re not sure about this!) So the

    • [PDF File]Writing Multiple Choice and True/False Exam Questions


      and True/False Exam ... Stem – poses the statement or question . 6 Stems can be written as a question or an incomplete statement which the response options then complete. In MCQ’s there is typically only one correct response option out of a possible three to five. Research has shown that three-option items are as effective as four-choice ...

    • [PDF File]Direct Proof and Counterexample I:Introduction


      •To disprove a statement means to show that it is false. •Showing a statement is false is equivalent to showing that its negation is true. •So, disprove ∀x in D, P(x). is equivalent to prove ∃x in D such that ~P(x). which can be proved giving constructing an example element of D that makes P(x) false (i.e., constructive proofs of ...

    • [PDF File]False Statements and Perjury: An Overview of Federal ...


      False Statements and Perjury: An Overview of Federal Criminal Law Congressional Research Service 1 Introduction Lying, or making a false statement, is a federal crime under a number of circumstances. It is a federal crime to make a material false statement in a matter within the jurisdiction of a federal

    • [PDF File]Part 1: Logical Statements!


      Therefore, we call this statement false, since I found an exception. Example: If my car’s engine isn’t running, then the car is out of gas. Well, that’s certainly : one: explanation. But here’s another : suppose the car is turned off. Then, the engine wouldn’t be running. So, therefore, we found a counterexample to show that this is a ...

    • [PDF File]Information for Employees on Penalties for False ...


      Whoever knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained pursuant to this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both.

    • [PDF File]7.5 Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency, and Logical ...


      Definition: A compound statement is a contradiction if it is false regardless of the truth values assigned to its component atomic statements. Equivalently, in terms of truth tables: Definition: A compound statement is a contradiction if there is an F beneath its main connective in every row of its truth table. Examples

    • [PDF File]Logic and Conditional Statements


      true to false or from false to true Converse Statement formed from a conditional statement by switching the hypothesis and conclusion ... Statement 2: “If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180°, then the angles are supplementary.” By the Law of Syllogism, which statement below follows from Statements 1 and 2? ...

    • [PDF File]counterexamples le.edu


      false when P is true and Q is false. Therefore: To give a counterexample to a conditional statement P → Q, find a case where P is true but Q is false. Equivalently, here’s the rule for negating a conditional: ¬(P → Q) ↔ (P ∧¬Q) Again, you need the “if-part” P to be true and the “then-part” Q to be false (that is, ¬Q must ...

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