Why is diastolic high and systolic normal



      peripheral systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg and normal diastolic pressure, 4 (2%) had a diastolic pressure 90 mm Hg and normal systolic pressure, and 31 (15%) had both. Among the older age group, the corresponding values were 33 (15%), 7 (3%), and 88 (38%), respectively. For the study group as a whole, there was a significant

      why is my diastolic high

    • [PDF File]GET WITH THE GUIDELINES - American Heart Association


      (systolic) in mm Hg Bottom number (diastolic) in mm Hg Your category* What to do** Below 120 and Below 80 Normal blood pressure Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle. 120-139 or 80-89 Pre-Hypertension Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle. 140-159 or 90-99 Stage 1 Hypertension Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle. If

      my diastolic is 90

    • [PDF File]Diastolic blood pressure high but systolic normal


      Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg. If you’re an adult and your systolic pressure is 120 to 139, or your diastolic pressure is 80 to 89 (or both), you have “prehypertension.” High blood pressure is a pressure of 140 systolic or higher and/or 90 diastolic or higher that stays high over time.

      high systolic low diastolic bp

    • [PDF File]Blood Pressure & Heart Rate Chart Heart Rate and Blood ...


      The results for diastolic pressure show a higher level of agreement than those results for the systolic pressures. The mean blood pressures show better agreement than systolic readings but not as much as the diastolic readings. Discomfort Score Each of the 100 volunteer patients scored the discomfort of the blood pressure test (1–10) at each ...

      what causes diastolic blood pressure to rise

    • Blood Pressure Chart & Numbers (Normal Range, Systolic, Dia…

      Diastolic blood pressure high but systolic normal blood pressure of the normal Diastolic blood pressure is called isolated diastolic hypertension. Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH) is included in the hypertension / prehypertension category and is treated in similar lines as a treatment of hypertension.

      elevated diastolic with normal systolic

    • Pressure Amplification Explains Why Pulse Pressure Is ...

      directed attention to systolic pressure as a better guide to all-cause mortality,1 cardiac failure,2-3 and stroke4 than diastolic pressure. These studies have in turn thrown the focus of attention in human hypertension research onto arterial stiffness and on the way that this and other factors determine the level of systolic pressure that ...

      wide gap between systolic and diastolic

    • Arterial stiffness, systolic blood pressure, and logical ...

      Diastolic heart failure •Also referred to as “HF with preserved ejection fraction” (HFpEF) •Clinical diagnosis of heart failure + LVEF greater than or equal to 50% •Commonly due to hypertension •Patients often are older and female •High prevalence of obesity, diabetes, atrial fibrillation

      systolic diastolic ratio chart

    • [PDF File]National Health Statistics Reports Number 35, March 25, 2011


      Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg. If you’re an adult and your systolic pressure is 120 to 129, and your diastolic pressure is less than 80, you have elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure is a systolic pressure of 130 or higher,or a diastolic pressure of 80 or higher, that stays high over time. High blood pressure usually has ...

      high systolic low diastolic treatment

    • [PDF File]What Is High Blood Pressure?


      Normal Treated hypertensive Untreated hypertensive Age (years) Blood pressure (mm Hg) Systolic Diastolic . Untreated hypertensive Treated hypertensive Normal . Figure 1. Mean systolic and diagstolic blood pressure for men aged 18 years and over, by age and hypertension status

      why is my diastolic high

    • [PDF File]What is High Blood Pressure? - American Heart Association


      Normal blood pressure is below 120/80. For most adults, high blood pressure is defined by a systolic pressure (top number) of 140 or higher ; WWW.KIDNEY.ORG 5; and/or a diastolic pressure (bottom ; number) of 90 or higher. People who have systolic blood pressure of 120– 139 or diastolic blood pressure of 80– 89 are said to have pre ...

      my diastolic is 90

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