Why keep a diary

    • 10 Reasons to Keep a Journal. Do you keep a journal? In today’s… | …

      The main purpose of a diary is to give you the freedom to describe your thoughts and to keep track of your daily events and activities. In this task, you’ll write three diary entries. As you write, please keep in mind the elements of diary writing.

      why do people journal

    • [DOC File]The Diary of Anne Frank


      Freedom Writers’ Diary. Journal Entries. Directions: In addition to the running record you will be completing as you read . The Freedom Writers’ Diary, you will also be expected to respond to several entries of the book in a more detailed, yet reflective manner.

      why keep a journal

    • [DOC File]Zlata’s Diary


      The Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1, Scenes 1 & 2 Top 3 Moments. Directions: Identify the top three moments from your reading and explain why each moment is important. Important Moment Why was this moment important? Visualizing the Text. Directions:

      is keeping a diary good

    • [DOC File]The Diary of Anne Frank - Dearborn Public Schools


      People worry about us, they think about us, but as sub-humans. They want to destroy us. Why? I keep asking myself why? We haven’t done anything. We’re innocent. But helpless! Zlata . MAKE-UP. 1. Read each Diary entry and then summarize and describe each memorable detail on the Round Table Notes attached. MODEL – ROUND TABLE/SUMMARY:

      why do people keep journals

    • [DOC File]1984 (1949) Discussion Questions


      The Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1, Scenes 1 & 2. Directions: Active reading. helps to keep your mind focused on the material and prevents it from wandering. Fill in the chart below with connections, comments, predictions, and questions as you read. Page # Method Active Reading Log Connection. Comment. Prediction. Question/Answer Connection ...

      diary writing for students

    • [DOCX File]An analysis on: The Secret Diary of William Byrd II


      Why does Winston keep a diary? What does this reveal about his character? How does the diary function as a literary device? What is the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate? How does Winston react to the Two Minutes Hate? How does his momentary …

      keep a diary online



      William Byrd II belonged to the highest of Virginia society. He was a wealthy plantation owner, keeping a diary of his daily activities. Through his excerpts we are able to comprehend the happenings of his daily routine, which occur after indentured servitude was no longer the primary form of labor in the United States.

      should i keep a diary

    • [DOCX File]Weebly


      Why keep a journal? Of course, one of the reasons is that it is a course requirement! However, more importantly, we know that the personal reflection and self-appraisal that is part of “journaling” will help you articulate what you learned as a leadership major and why you do the things you do—we call this “deep learning” since it ...

      why journal

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