Why plant is important

    • [DOC File]The Cell Theory:


      Why are the air spaces between the spongy mesophyll cells are important? _____ 6. When water is lost from a plant, why does the plant looked wilted? _____ 7. What is the edge of a leaf called? _____ 8. If the edge of the leaf appears toothed, what type of leaf edge is this? ...

      why are medicinal plants important

    • [DOC File]How is pH Important to Living Organisms


      In nature, color is an important attribute of plants that serves to attract pollinators to receptive flowers and signal fruit ripeness to seed dispersers. In some instances, colors may also serve to warn potential predators of poisonous or toxic substances contained in plant tissues.

      why are flowers important

    • [DOC File]General Ecology: Lecture 2


      The stem cells from plant meristems can be used to make clones of the mature plant. This is important as it allows us to produce a large amount of plants quickly. This could help us save plants from extinction or produce large amounts of identical plants for scientific research. It can also be used in horticulture to create identical plants to ...

      why are plants important kids

    • [DOC File]The Importance of Tree Species Diversity


      These centers are important to plant breeders because they represent pools of diversity, especially wild relatives of modern cultivars. Plant breeding may be a victim of its own success. The consequence of selection by plant breeders in their programs is the steady erosion or reduction in genetic variability, especially in the highly improved ...

      important plants in the world

    • [DOC File]Leaves - BIOLOGY JUNCTION


      Why is mitosis important? 7. Interphase, D . 8. Needed for growth/ repair/replacement of cells. Predict what would happen if an individual had faulty spindle fibers. Cells would have the wrong number of chromsomes (wouldn’t be separated during anaphase). Predict …

      why is my cactus shriveling



      In this web-quest, you will work with a partner to create a PowerPoint about important scientists who discovered parts of the . Cell Theory. You will learn how scientific thinking changes as scientists collect new . evidence. through experiments and observations. Your PowerPoint will explore the out-dated theory of . spontaneous generation

      why are green plants important

    • [DOCX File]WordPress.com


      The pH of soil is very important because soil carries in it nutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), and Phosphorus (P) that plants need to grow, thrive, and fight off diseases. If the pH of the soil solution is increased above 5.5, Nitrogen (in the form of nitrate) is made available to plants.

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    • Achievethecore.org

      Then plant oak, American linden, hackberry or an elm cultivar, for instance. Tree selection based on size is also important. Boulevards less than 5’ wide are not recommended for planting. A boulevard that ranges from 5-8’ can accommodate a small or medium-sized tree. Areas larger than 8’ wide would accommodate a large tree.

      why are flowers important to plants

    • 14 Uses of Plants & their Importance to Humans and Nature

      How are the parts of a plant important? Here are some ways the parts of a plant are important. One way is that the roots suck nutrients from the soil so the plants can grow. Roots also secure the plant in the ground so it doesn’t blow away. Another important part is the flowers. Seeds are kept in flowers, and the flower keeps the seeds safe.

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