Why questions for children

    • [DOC File]“The Veldt” Discussion Questions


      Why is Lydia unhappy in her home (3)? Contrast this with the way George seems to feel. Give quotes as evidence. What did the kids used to create in the playroom (4)? Give quotes as evidence. Why is it so important to the adults that the room has not changed lately? Describe and explain the conversation George and Lydia have with their children (5).

    • [DOC File]Teacher Tools - Homepage


      Getting children to ask questions At the age of five, children ask dozens of questions a day - many of them higher-order questions starting with "why". But they don't ask questions in school. Ted Wragg's 1993 research found that an average of just one spontaneous question each lesson came from the pupils, and that was more likely to do with ...



      Title: SENTENCE COMPLETION FOR CHILDREN Author: Teresa Ramirez Last modified by: KAPI'OLANI HEALTH Created Date: 10/23/2003 6:35:00 PM Company: san Diego State University

    • [DOC File]Sarah, Plain and Tall Discussion Questions


      Chapter 4 Questions. Why do the dogs love Sarah first? What is the relationship between Sarah and the children like? Between Sarah and Jacob? Why does Jacob go behind the barn to toss his pieces of hair into the wind? What does Sarah say or do that makes Caleb think she will stay? Timeline . Look at the events in Chapter 4. What happens in this ...

    • [DOCX File]DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: The Glass Castle


      Why are the children fascinated by the cathouse? Why is Jeannette afraid of the women in the cathouse? Does Brian know what goes on at the Green Lantern? On what evidence do you base your answer? Author: Tara Holloway Created Date: 04/10/2014 07:12:00 Title: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: The Glass Castle



      Why does school climate influence student achievement? Descriptive research designs include the following: Simple descriptive. data are collected to describe . researcher administers a survey to a random sample of autistic children in order to describe the characteristics of the population of autistic children. Ex1: What percent of children are ...

    • [DOC File]Sample Prompting Questions/Topics for Circles


      Sample Prompting Questions/Topics for Circles Please note: It is always important to carefully select which questions or topics to pose to the group depending on the needs of the group. The health of each member of the circle is always to be strongly considered.

    • [DOC File]Lesson Plan Summary


      Lesson Structure/Thought Questions . Before reading. Ask children if they think Elmer is beautiful. Why or why not? Ask them to describe what they would want to look like if they were an elephant. Have children look around at each other. Pint out that every student looks different and acts different. They have different personalities. During ...



      A relapse prevention plan is a tool to help you as you continue your life free from drugs. The following questions will help you examine your past behavior and how you overcame your dependence on drugs. By doing this, you will be better prepared to deal with similar situations in the future so you can respond in healthy and pro-social ways.

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