Why we should raise the minimum wage

    • [PDF File]The Minimum Wage Increase - Fedcap


      Since 1938 the minimum wage has been raised 22 times by 12 presidents. The Minimum Wage Increase Act, signed into law by President Clinton in 1996, allowed states for the first time to raise their own minimum wage above the federal minimum. As of August 1, 2014, 23 states and Washington

    • [PDF File]Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? - University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh


      wage jobs. A higher minimum wage won’t increase their earnings. But they’ll have to pay 10% more for their burgers, and 20% more for their child care. Although much, maybe even most, of the benefits of a higher minimum wage go to the working poor, they’ll also share somewhat in the costs of the minimum wage. So, should we do it? Raising ...

    • [PDF File]The Case Against a Higher Minimum Wage - United States Congressional ...


      The campaign to raise the minimum wage will have little positive impact on the lives of poor people. ... To lift people out of poverty, we need a system that maximizes opportunities for economic well-being of low-skilled workers. Raising the minimum wage is a wrong-headed solution that will deprive young, poor Americans of an opportunity to ...

    • [PDF File]What Should the Minimum Wage Be? .us


      minimum wage. But why should we raise the minimum wage to match its past real values? In general, workers are not guaranteed that their wages will rise with inflation to preserve their real value, and there is no reason why minimum wage workers should be an exception. Moreover, other wages are often affected by the changes in the minimum wage.

    • [PDF File]Why the U.S. needs a $15 minimum wage - Economic Policy Institute


      Raise the federal minimum wage to $9.50 this year and increase it in steps until it reaches $15 an hour in 2025.2 After 2025, adjust the minimum wage each year to keep pace with growth in the median wage, a measure of wages for typical workers. Phase out the egregious subminimum wage for tipped workers, which has been frozen at a meager

    • [PDF File]Raising the Minimum Wage: A Progress Update


      Congress’ failure to act to raise the federal minimum wage is leaving behind millions of workers. Currently, 21 states do not have a state minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage (and five of these states have no state minimum wage law at all, meaning the federal minimum is in effect). That is why the President has used his

    • [PDF File]Importance of Raising the Minimum Wage - House Budget Committee Democrats


      (1) The federal minimum wage has not been increased since 2009. (2) The real value of the minimum wage today is at historically low levels. (3) Increasing the minimum wage would give a raise to millions of workers, and lift many Americans out of poverty. (4) Minimum wage workers bring home a large portion of their family’s total income.

    • [PDF File]Raise the Wage Fact Sheet - House


      Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 by 2024 will give more than 41 million Americans a pay increase ... Working people are long overdue for a raise. The federal minimum wage has declined significantly in value. In 1968 and 1969, when the minimum wage was at its peak and the federal minimum wage was worth just over 50 ...

    • Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit

      Bay Area alone, there have been twenty-one local minimum wage changes over the past decade. In this paper, we investigate the impact of the minimum wage on restaurant closures using data from the San Francisco Bay Area. We find suggestive evidence that an increase in the minimum wage leads to an overall increase in the rate of exit.

    • [PDF File]ORISE Lesson Plan: Should We Raise The Minimum Wage


      In this lesson, students will discover the minimum wage trend as time has passed. Students will use past and recent data of the minimum wage to create a scatter plot, so that they are able to predict the future. They will have the opportunity to write a letter to their senators to convince them to raise or not raise the minimum wage.

    • [PDF File]Raising the Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Businesses, and the ... - House


      The real value of the federal minimum wage has declined 24 percent since 1968. Today, the federal minimum of $7.25 leaves an adult with two children thousands of dollars below the federal poverty threshold. This is unacceptable. H.R. 2150, the Raise the Wage Act, would increase the federal minimum wage to $12 by 2020, eliminate the

    • [PDF File]The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income


      minimum wage from its current rate of $7.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour in three steps—in 2014, 2015, and 2016. After reaching $10.10 in 2016, the minimum wage would be adjusted annually for inflation as measured by the consumer price index. A “$9.00 option” would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour in two

    • [PDF File]Discuss critically if minimum wage in Malaysia should be set according ...


      The figure above illustrates the impact of minimum wages on the economy and should the minimum wage rise steeply, the unemployment will rise further. The most feasible way that the government can reduce the unemployment is to create demand for jobs. Secondly, although imposing a higher minimum wage reduces income

    • Letter To President Obama To Raise Minimum Wage For Federal Contractors

      Since 1968, the real value of the federal minimum wage has fallen by about 30 percent. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation since 1968, it would be worth more than $10.50 per hour today. Clearly, we need to strengthen the middle class, raise the minimum wage, and invest in the creation

    • [PDF File]Why We Need to Raise Wages for America’s Lowest-Paid Families


      a dollar more than the Florida minimum wage of $8.25 an hour, and two dollars over the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Today, 2.2 million working people are paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour or less.6 Approximately another 23 million people are paid between $7.25 and

    • [PDF File]Sample Letters to the Editor on Raising the Minimum Wage


      If the minimum wage had kept pace with increased worker productivity, it would be more $18 per hour today. Today’s workers are more educated and more productive than ever before, but the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is 31 percent lower than its value in 1968. Workers earning the federal minimum wage haven’t gotten a raise in five years.

    • [PDF File]POSITION PAPER ON MINIMUM WAGE - Social Platform


      An adequate minimum wage should guarantee decent living standards to workers and employees. IV. The first pre-condition for an adequate minimum wage is that it should be higher than what is considered an adequate minimum income. V. The second pre-condition is that, as a general rule, at least 60% of national median wage should be the minimum ...

    • [PDF File]Four Reasons Not to Raise the Minimum Wage - Cato Institute


      In the previous federal minimum wage increase from $5.15 to $7.25, only 15 percent of the workers who were expected to gain from it lived in poor households, according to a 2012 review by Mark Wilson.

    • [PDF File]Why Minimum Wage Increases Are a Poor Way to Help the Working Poor


      Minimum wage increases are not a very effective mechanism for reducing poverty. They are not related to decreases in poverty rates. They can cost some low-income workers their jobs. And most minimum wage earners who gain from a higher minimum wage do not live in poor (or near-poor) families.

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