Wikipedia list of philosophies

    • [PDF File]The Implications of Naturalism as an Educational ...

      Naturalism as an educational philosophy advocates the concept that parents are the most natural teachers of the child. The educational goals of naturalism are; maintenance of self, securing the necessities of life, improving the students, maintaining the social and political relations, and enjoy free time (Spencer, 1985). The

    • [PDF File]philosophy example 5

      affective filters, counter-productive philosophies, or domestic unrest that act as obstacles to development. Negative past experiences with peers or teachers, such a cutting sarcasm, may produce affective filters. The filter must be removed for learning to take place. Sometimes this is an arduous task and it takes time for trust to be built.

    • [PDF File]Educational Philosophies Definitions and Comparison Chart

      Educational Philosophies Definitions and Comparison Chart. Within the epistemological frame that focuses on the nature of knowledge and how we come to know, there are four major educational philosophies, each related to one or more of the general or world philosophies just discussed. These educational philosophical approaches are currently

    • [PDF File]Six$Ethical$Philosophies - paul martin lester

      situation!at!that!time.!When!using!the!golden!mean!philosophy,!you!must!first!think!of!the!two! most!extreme!examples.!For!a!particularly!violent!or!controversial ...


      PHILOSOPHIES OF PUNISHMENT Punishment serves numerous social-control functions, but it is usually jus-tified on the principles of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilita-tion, and/or restoration. The specific principles that underlie these dominant philosophies for punishment are summarized below. RETRIBUTION

    • [PDF File]What Is Realism, and Why Should Qualitative Researchers Care?

      What Is Realism, and Why Should Qualitative Researchers Care? Realism Philosophic realism in general is defined by Phillips (1987, p. 205) as “the view that entities exist independently of being perceived, or independently of our theories about them.” Schwandt adds that “scientific realism is the view that


      IMPORTANCE OF A PHILOSOPHY FOR TEACHERS FRED G. WALCOTT Prof«*cor of Education University of Michigan, Ann Arbor THERE is a common miscon ception abroad, it seems to me, concern ing the nature of philosophy and how it is learned. When I see a school staff set itself the task of drawing up a school philosophy, my interest wavers.

    • [PDF File]Annotated List of Ethical Theories - Meetup

      Annotated List of Ethical Theories The following list is selective, including only what I view as the major theories. Entries in bold face have been especially influential. Recommendations for additions to the list are welcome. Text for the annotations is taken largely from the relevant Wikipedia …


      First published in 1982 by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 39 Store Street, London WC 1E 7DD, 9 Park Street, Boston, Mass. 02108, USA, %HDFRQV¿HOG3DUDGH 0LGGOH3DUN

    • [PDF File]Types Of Early Childhood Program Philosophies**

      Types Of Early Childhood Program Philosophies** Play Based Philosophy — Playing to Learn/Learning to Play High quality early childhood programs teach children to think creatively so they may succeed in a complex and ever-changing world. Purposeful play is developmentally appropriate and a significant element of any early childhood program.

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