Word for doesn t make sense

    • [PDF File]Understanding Medical Words Tutorial - MedlinePlus


      doesn't make sense, make sure to ask questions! You can also use the MedlinePlus website, MedlinePlus: Health Topics or MedlinePlus: Word Parts to find out more about meanings of the medical words. Now let's look at a couple of tongue-twisting, big words. Colonoscopic polypectomy

      does not make sense synonym

    • [PDF File]Quiz 3 12pm Class Question: What is the main purpose for ...


      To make sure the results are not bias and true Good, although the word “true” doesn’t make sense here. to prevent bias. to try to make the experiment as accurate as possible. Good, although the word “accurate” doesn’t really make sense here. It is to ensure all the groups in the study are as similar as possible and to reduce any bias or

      not making sense synonym

    • [PDF File]When coding doesn’t work, or doesn’t make sense: Synoptic ...


      code again. ut there are times when coding doesn [t work, or when it doesnt make sense to code at all. Problems with coding are increasingly being recognised (see this paper by St Pierre and Jackson 2014). I am often asked: if not coding, then what? This blog post offers a concrete answer to that in terms

      another phrase for make sense

    • [PDF File]Lesson Plan Title - Kerri Belen's Professional Portfolio


      Record unknown words in a word collector to ask the meaning of later or look up in a dictionary. Specific Objectives: Students will understand: The point of reading is to make meaning. If a word doesn’t make sense, go back and cross check to see if the word looks right, sounds right and makes sense.

      another term for make sense



      What doesn’t make sense is how we seem to stand by and allow this to happen. The same individual that would mark in red ink or red highlighted computer font a student’s use of the generic “he,” or who would encourage the use of pronouns completely devoid of gender reference, will use the expression “guys” or “you guys.”

      synonym for make sense

    • Action Verb Or Linking Verb? - Super Teacher Worksheets

      How do you tell the difference? Easy! Replace the word with am, is, are, was, or were. If the sentence still makes sense, the word is being used as a linking verb. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, the word is being used as an action verb. examples: Sentence: Sam looked tired. Test: Sam was tired. Conclusion: Makes sense. Looked is a ...

      another word for making sense

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