Word search spelling city

    • [DOC File]Spelling Homework Menu


      Word Search. Create a word search with your spelling words. Then find and circle your words! You can also make a word puzzle at puzzlemaker.com. 12. Practice Test. Take a practice test with your spelling words. Rewrite the words that were misspelled. 13. Hidden Words. Draw a picture and write your spelling words in the picture. Try to hide the ...

      free spelling word search

    • [DOCX File]primary3201920school.files.wordpress.com


      6. Silly Story: work together with somebody to write a silly story that uses all or most of spelling words. 7. Word search - Use a piece of squared paper and ask somebody to create word search for you to find spelling words. 8. Spelling City – visit www.spellingcity.com and type in your words. Choose a game to play to practise your words.

      word find spelling city

    • [DOC File]Successful and Meaningful Spelling


      Repeat steps 1-5 for each new word on the spelling list, but sometimes call on 5 students to spell individually. (3 to spell the currently practiced word and 2 to practice a previously introduced spelling word) On Wednesday we have fun with the spelling words by …

      word search for spelling words

    • [DOC File]Out of this world – tricky word lists and levels Units 1-8


      Word Search. Create your own word. search with your spellings. Show the. answers to your puzzle in a different colour. Flashcards. Make and practice. With flashcards. Put the word on one side. and definition (meaning) on the other. Picture & a Story. Draw a picture defining. each word. Write a. sentence about your picture. using the word. Words ...

      spelling city games org

    • [DOCX File]Springfield Public Schools


      Word Search: Choose 10 words and create your own word search. Memory: Select 10 words from the spelling list. ... Stemscopes, and spelling city. Other work can be sent in an attachment or photograph by email to the content area teacher or photographed and sent on class dojo. We’d. love you to send pictures of you learning at home to share on ...

      spellingcity word search

    • [DOC File]Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


      Spelling City. Follow the directions to find our weekly word list and complete this activity: HANDWRITING SHEET (use D’Nealian handwriting) Turn in the completed page. WORD SEARCH. Create a Word Search puzzle with your words. Write using CAPITAL LETTERS. Then highlight your spelling words. Spelling Scrabble

      spelling list word search

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