Work function equation with wavelength

    • [DOC File]TAP311-0: Speed, frequency and wavelength

      Wave Frequency Wavelength Speed and media Sound 2000 Hz 0.17 m 340 m s–1 in air Yellow light 3.6 1014 Hz 0.61 10–6 m 2.2 108 m s–1 in water X-rays 3 10–18 Hz 0.1 nm 3.0 108 m s–1 in air Microwave 6 GHz 0.05 m 3.0 108 m s–1 in space Water waves 8 Hz 50 mm 400 mm s–1 on water Sonar 30 kHz 45 mm 1350 m s–1 in water Radio waves from ...

      frequency equation wavelength

    • [DOC File]Photoelectric effect 2 - schoolphysics

      The work function for caesium is 1.35 eV. (a) what is the longest wavelength that can cause photoelectric emission from a caesium surface (b) what is the maximum velocity with which electrons will be emitted from a caesium surface if light of wavelength 400 nm falls on it?

      wavelength equation calculator

    • [DOC File]Worksheet frequency/wavelength/Energy

      (Work required) Violet light has a wavelength of 4.10 x 10-12 m. What is the frequency? If an X-ray machine emits E.M.R with a wavelength of 1.00 x 10 -10 meters, what is the frequency? A photon has a frequency (() of 2.68 x 106 Hz. Calculate its energy. Calculate the energy (E) and wavelength (() of a photon of light with a frequency (() of 6 ...

      wave speed equation without wavelength

    • [DOC File]TAP502-0: The photoelectric effect

      1 The work function for lithium is 4.6 x 10-19 J. (a) Calculate the lowest frequency of light that will cause photoelectric emission. (b) What is the maximum energy of the electrons emitted when light of 7.3 x 1014 Hz is used? 2 Complete the table. Metal Work Function /eV Work Function …

      equations solver for finding wavelength of colors

    • [DOC File]The Photoelectric Effect

      Record the equation for each curve. Copy and paste each plot below its data table. The slope of each line should be equal to Planck’s constant, with units of eV•s. The y-intercept will be equal to –W, where W = the work function in eV. Compare your experimental value of the work function …

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