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    • [DOC File]Python Class Room Diary – Be easy in My Python class ...


      b) Write the type of tokens from the following:{1} (i) and (ii) name_of_the_student. Logical operator and variable / identifier . c) Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following functions: (i) sin() (ii) randint {1} math and random. d) Rewrite the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s).

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    • [DOCX File]Python Class Room Diary – Be easy in My Python class ...


      Write the functions in Python push (stk, item ) and pop(stk) to check whether the stack is empty, to add a new item, to delete an item and display the stack respectively. 4

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    • Online Python Compiler (Editor / Interpreter / IDE) to Run Code

      Write Python code (Script) to accept two numbers from the user and check whether the first number is divisible with second number. ... Write a program in Python that accepts Grade and salary of a user and calculates bonus on the basis of following condition: GRADE. BONUS. A. 30% of …

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    • [DOCX File]Python Class Room Diary – Be easy in My Python class ...


      I encourage you to explore online Python programming courses before the start of the semester (bearing in mind that we’ll be working with Python 3.8 or 3.9 and not 2.7). The better prepared you are with Python at the start of this course, the more you'll get out of it. Evaluation components. 1. Assignments. Expect a programming assignment ...

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    • [DOCX File]Python Class Room Diary – Be easy in My Python class ...


      (ii)Write the python code to read the contents of “first.csv” file consisting of data from a mysql table and print data of table on the screen in tabular form of table. Ans.import mysql.connector Mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host=”localhost”,user=”root”,passwd=”123”,

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    • [DOCX File]Q1 - Python Class Room Diary


      b) Write the type of tokens from the following: [1] (i) and (ii) name_of_the_student. c) Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following functions: (i) sin() (ii) randint () [1] d) Rewrite. the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each correction done in the code…

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