Writing prompts 2nd grade

    • [PDF File]LOTS AND LOTS OF WRITING PROMPTS A. Writing Prompts ...


      LOTS AND LOTS OF WRITING PROMPTS A. Writing Prompts Appropriate for All Grades 1. Think about a time when something special or unusual happened at school. It could be a time when something unexpected happened in your classroom or any event at school that you remember well. Write about what happened and why it was special or unusual. 2.

    • [PDF File]Writing Prompts for 3 -5 Graders


      Writing Prompts for 3rd-5th Graders Suggestions for Creating a Writing Process: 1. Prewrite – Use whatever works, depending on the type of writing. Could be a list, a chart, a critical thinking map 2. Rough Draft 3. Edit - Correct grammar and spelling mistakes. - Rewrite sentences that don’t make sense.

    • [PDF File]Grade 2 First Prompt - Departments


      Grade 2 First Prompt – Student Page Narrative Writing an “All About Me” Story Writing Situation All of us have had something special happen in our lives. It may have been a weekend in the mountains with our family, a sleep over at Grandma’s, a day at Magic Mountain, or a birthday party in our backyard.

    • [PDF File]Grade 5 Writing Prompts


      Grade 5 Writing Prompts Page 2 November, 2012 Imagine you are going on a field trip in a bus created especially for kids. Describe this bus and explain why kids will like it. Think about a favorite toy you have now or had when you were younger. Describe the toy and tell why it is your favorite.



      Grade 2 – Pre/Post Writing Benchmark Assessments DO NOT send this test home with students. GUIDELINES FOR ADMINISTERING WRITING PROMPTS Grades K-2 - will use the Primary Rubrics (scale) • Students will be given a copy of the prompt and/or the prompt may be written on the board.

    • [PDF File]Writing Prompts - nadams.k12.in.us


      Grade 2-4 writing prompts • Smekens Education Solutions, Inc. EXPOSITORY n Favorite Outdoor Activity Your class is writing a book about outdoor activities for the school library. For your page in the book, pick your favorite outdoor activity to explain to your readers. Tell why it is your favorite activity.

    • [PDF File]Second and Third Grade Writing Folder


      © 2013 berkeley county school 2nd & 3rd grade writing folder 4 helps .....65

    • [PDF File]2nd Grade Writing Prompts - Tim's Printables


      2nd Grade Writing Prompts 1. All the animals have escaped from the zoo. Now lions are roaming the streets, while elephants trample cars, and monkeys swing from street lights. You are bicycling home from the grocery store with a large bag of groceries, and a tiger charges across the zebra path in your direction… 2. Some days are stranger than ...

    • [PDF File]2nd grade prompt 2


      Grade 2 Second Prompt Rubric Friendly Letter Writing a Thank You Note 4 § Fully addresses the prompt. § Is clearly organized in a logical sequence. § Clearly groups related ideas and maintains a consistent focus.

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