X12 standard code list

    • What is the X12 companion guide?

      This Companion Guide is intended to convey information that is within the framework of the X12 IG adopted for use under HIPAA. This Companion Guide is not intended to convey information that in any way exceeds the requirements or usages of data expressed in the Implementation Guides.

    • What is a data dictionary X12 version?

      “Data Dictionary/EL Version” or ”Data Dictionary/ECL/X12 Version” or “Data Dictionary /ECL/SCHEMA/XML Standard Release Dates” Contains the effective date of the NCPDP Data Dictionary and the publication date of the External Code List (ECL) that supports the Standard. If applicable, the X12 version that should be referenced is included.

    • What does V5010 ASC X12N mean?

      This Companion Guide to the v5010 Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12N Implementation Guides and associated errata adopted under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) clarifies and specifies the data content when exchanging electronically with the Federally facilitated Health Insurance Exchange via the Data Services Hub.

    • [PDF File]NCPDP Pharmacy Reference Guide to the X12/005010X221A1 Health ...


      Contains the effective date of the NCPDP Data Dictionary and the publication date of the External Code List (ECL) that supports the Standard. If applicable, the X12 version that should be referenced is included. For standards available in XML, the schema files and the XML Standard version that should be referenced are included.

    • [PDF File]Standard Companion Guide Health Care Claim Payment / Advice ...


      The X12 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835) transaction set is designed for the payment of claims and transfer of remittance information of the Health Care Industry. The objective of Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835) is to support reimbursement processing for health care products and services.

    • [PDF File]HIPAA Transaction Standard Companion Guide - July 2023


      Standard Companion Guide ... transactions and code sets. Table 1. EDI Transactions and Code Set References ... Resource Location ASC X12N TR3s The official ASC X12 ...

    • [PDF File]External Code Lists (CAP12) - Home | X12


      This companion guide (CG) to the v5010 ASC X12N Technical Report Type 3 (TR3) adopted under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) clarifies and specifies the data content when exchanging transactions electronically with UnitedHealthcare.

    • [PDF File]Standards Matrix - NCPDP


      When X12 identifies that a code list requires frequent updates, a specific review and approval process, or meets other criteria, X12 designates the code list as an external code list. Within this document, the term external code list (ECL) is specific to X12 maintained external code lists.

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