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      Figure 11: Airplane Components and Functions21. Figure 12: Force on Wing22. Figure 13: Force Interference22 ... We can therefore add more features in later revisions of our product, such as adding software, an onboard GPS receiver, and servo control ports so that it can also control the flight surfaces of an R/C aircraft and thus be its own ...

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      (Note you can put a formula like “=185+110” in here rather than trying to add up the weights of 2 passengers manually). ... Copy the old spreadsheet file to a new file whose name matches the registration number of the plane. Change the entry in the Aircraft Ident cell in the upper left hand corner of the spreadsheet. ... 40.00 240.00 6.00 ...

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    • [DOC File]ACM, revisable template - FAA


      If you have EMAS in your runway safety area add an appendix on inspection and maintenance procedures as required by AC 150/5220-22, Engineering Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS) for Aircraft Overruns, Paragraph 11.

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      (Aircraft tail number, make, and model, and accident type) ... 11. Include a brief statement describing the weather, terrain, obstacles, and other operational information concerning . the mission. 12. Indicate who communicated with and/or observed the . mission including those who witnessed the accident.

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      Applicants for Export Certificate of Airworthiness for Newly Manufactured Aircraft will be charged in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 593/2007 of 31 May 2007 on the fees and charges levied by the European Aviation Safety Agency (OJ L 140, 1 June 2007, p. 3).

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    • [DOC File]Appendix 16 - FAA


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      RCSO 11-1 RECEIVED DATE 3/9/10 (To be inserted by Headquarters) (To be inserted by Headquarters) ... all of the parts of the plane must be scalable and buildable from the plan. The aircraft construction and materials must be detailed, and not just a 3-view. This is especially important for the shape of the airfoil if it is not from a published ...

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    • [DOC File]Answers to Review Questions - Weebly


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    • [DOC File]Midway – A Carrier (VG) Variant Scenario


      FOOTNOTE ON CARRIER PLANE STRENGTHS: The Carrier Rule Book say that each step represents approximately 4 US aircraft and each air point represents approximately 8 IJN aircraft. If you add up the Japanese Air Values for the Akagi (11), Kaga (11), Hiryu (9) and Soryu (9) you get a total of 40. Multiply 40 x 8 = approximately 320.

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