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    • [DOC File]TO:

      The North American touring production (launched in April 2002) uses 18 trucks to transport puppets, set pieces and other materials from city to city. 14 of the trucks are 53’ long semi-trailers. The tour requires three days of advance prep and four days of on-site technical preparation at the respective venue to set-up the physical production ...

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    • [DOC File]University of South Florida

      Kate Keller was a tall, statuesque blond with blue eyes. She was some twenty years younger than her husband Captain Keller, a loyal southerner who had proudly served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The house they lived in was a simple, white, clapboard house built in 1820 by Helen's grandparents.

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    • [DOCX File]Sex Trafficking in Cambodia - English II with Mr. Davis

      In 2006, Pulitzer Prize winning-journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn published a ground-breaking book about the oppression of women and girls worldwide. As a companion to their book, the two writers made a documentary featuring six celebrated American actresses and the commentary of the world’s leading advocates for gender equality.

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    • [DOC File]The Empire of Images in Our World of Bodies

      Giancarlo Franchini. ENC1102. Prof. Aron Pease. Sept. 21 2007. The Empire of Images in Our World of Bodies. By Susan Bordo. Susan Bordo depicts the world’s obsession with conforming to the media’s ideal of what a person should look like through the media’s use of body images.

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    • AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF - Oregon State University

      The late Princess Diana of Wales, along with actress Elizabeth Taylor, has lobbied on the part of AIDS victims around the world. Actresses Audrey Hepburn and Angelina Jolie have donated their time to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and are among many other famous activists, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kurt Russell.

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    • Houston Community College

      Houston Community College. Quiz #3. Chapters 4 - Culture. Please use green and white skinny scantron. Mark your answers clearly and neatly. 1. Many young people in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 28 are living at home longer than ever before, which is partially due to the current recession.

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      In order to obtain the “American Dream” as seen by the tourists who come to the Bahamas, some factions of the Bahamian youth turn to selling drugs, prostitution, gangs (which give them the perception of power) and ultimately taking drugs. The desire to become wealthy quickly then causes a …

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    • [DOC File]T]hey spend a great deal of their time in the company of ...

      young girl and stage Harpers pg 100 (article dec 1906) Davis “ “ colliers, oct 1909 “how I became an actress” Ladies home journal, May 1911 Stats. By 1900 there were 3000 theaters in the U.S. From 1870-1880 the U.S. census shows an increase in the number of actresses. from 780-4,652 (up 596%)—from 1890 to 1910 (up 332%) from 4,652 ...

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    • [DOC File]Mireille Miller-Young

      Sept 2005 “’Because I’m Sexy and Smart’: Black Porn Actresses as Web Mistresses,” The Art and Politics of Netporn, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. April 2005 “Hip Hop Honeys + Da Hustlaz: The Black Sexual Subject in the New Hip Hop Pornography,” Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) Conference ...

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    • [DOCX File]A Great Reward in God’s Word

      Dr. W.A. Criswell tells of a small New Testament that was taken from the breast-pocket of a fallen American soldier in Vietnam, a young boy from Georgia. When the New Testament was held up before the congregation of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Dr. Criswell could see the light of a bullet hole through its middle.

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