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    • [DOC File]Position paper for tax administrations v0.9a


      This is the second OASIS Position Paper on Standards for Tax Administrations and it confirms the overall directions of the first position paper, and expresses the learning and experience that has been gained in the past 12 months by the organisations involved in this Committee.

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      Zed (2004) menjelaskan bahwa “riset pustaka membatasi kegiatannya hanya pada bahan-bahan koleksi perpustakaan saja tanpa memerlukan riset lapangan.” Kajian ini murni menggunakan studi pustaka dan menelusur situs web pada perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yang mengimplementasikan e-learning yaitu Universitas Negeri Solo, Universitas Diponegoro ...

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    • [DOCX File]Forside - Det Digitale Projektbibliotek, Aalborg Universitet


      The analysis in this thesis shows that Microfinance has emerged and still remained the potential paradigm in addressing development issues like empowerment, poverty alleviation, gender equality and the efficient allocation and distribution of resources with a sole aim of improving the standards of living of the poor in a sustainable manner through entrepreneurships and self reliance projects.

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      May 21, 2007 · Writes Barbosa-Filho: "…because of Brazil's past experience with high inflation, the best policy is to continue to target inflation while the economy moves to a more stable macroeconomic situation. So far the great gain from inflation targeting has been the increase in the transparency and accountability of monetary policy in Brazil."

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      Gillies, V (2005) ‘Raising the “Meritocracy” Parenting and the Individualization of Social Class’ Sociology 39, 835-853 [e-journal you can download this article] Harper, C., Marcus, R. and Moore, K. (2003). 'Enduring Poverty and the Conditions of Childhood: Lifecourse …

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    • [DOC File]Briefing Paper 3G


      The Short Message Service (SMS) on the GSM platform has been extremely popular in Europe and contributed significantly to mobile data revenues over the past two years. SMS is a two-way simple text service for sending short (120 characters) alphanumeric messages in a ‘store-and-forward’ process, which can be used for both ‘point-to-point ...

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      Papers, reports, forms, software programs, source code(s) or other material which are a part of the work under this Agreement will not be copyrighted without written approval of the State. ... zed. that a potential . Offeror. ... Record of past performance, including price and cost data from previous projects, quality of work, ability to meet ...

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    • [DOC File]University of Denver


      Aug 18, 2017 · Final version July 20, 2017. University of Denver Ilene Grabel Josef Korbel School of Int'l Studies Office: Sie Internat’l Relations Complex, Rm. 1159

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    • [DOC File]Althauser, Robert P. 1989. 'Internal Labor Markets ...


      Blumenthal, Marjory S. “Realizing the Information Future: Technology, Economics, and the Open Data Network.” Toward a competitive telecommunication industry: Selected papers from the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. 1995, pp. 275 …

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    • [DOC File]Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae - Rhodes University


      Past performance and future practice: journalism teaching in South Africa 1994 – 2014. Paper for 10 years of Media Freedom seminar, convened by SANEF, 5 December, 2004, Bloemfontein. Published in Stewart, G. (ed) 2005.

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