Zero coupon bond duration

    • [PDF File]Bonds - Finance Department

      Zero Coupon Bonds zWhy do zero-coupon bond prices change?...Interest rates change! zThe price of a zero-coupon bond maturing in one year from today with face value $100 and an APR of 10% is: zExample: Now imagine that immediately after you buy the bond, the interest rate increase to 15%. What is the price of the bond now 0 ()1 N F V i = + 0 ()1 ...

    • [PDF File]Duration - New York University

      Duration 4 yFor zero-coupon bonds, there is a simple formula relating the zero price to the zero rate. yWe use this price-rate formula to get a formula for dollar duration. Computing Dollar Duration for a Zero-Coupon Bond The Price-Rate Function for a Zero At a rate of 5%, the price is 0.2273 If rates fall to 4%, the price is 0.3048 The actual ...

    • [PDF File]Duration - New York University

      Duration 12 Example: Zero-Rate Dollar Duration of a Coupon Bond The zero-rate dollar duration of $1 par of a T-year bond with coupon rate c is This is the dollar price sensitivity to a parallel shift in the zero yield curve. Example: dollar duration of $1 par of a 1-year 6%-coupon bond: € c 2 [0.5 (1+r 0.5 /2) 2 + 1 (1+r 1 /2) 3 + 1.5 (1+r 1. ...

    • [PDF File]Duration and Bond Price Volatility: Some Further Results

      The derivation of the above expression is justified on the ground that any coupon bond has a “sister” zero-coupon bond with the same duration and price (Shirvani and Wilbratte, 2002). This result builds on the fact that duration is the center of gravity of a bond. The intuition of this fact can be appreciated with

    • [PDF File]HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE FINAL - New York University

      30. Assume a zero coupon bond has duration = 10 years and a 30 year bond has an 18% coupon and a duration =10 years. Assume further that the yields on both bonds are the same and then change by the identical infinitesimally small amount. Then, the price volatility of the 30 year will be: a. Equal to the price volatility of the zero b.

    • Default Risk and the Duration of Zero Coupon Bonds - JSTOR

      II. Duration of a Zero Coupon Bond The duration of a nontaxable default-free zero coupon bond is well known to equal its maturity. However, many zero coupon bonds are neither nontaxable nor default free. Little (1984) has examined the case of default-free taxable zero coupon bonds. This paper focuses on the second case, nontaxable zero coupon

    • [PDF File]Measuring Interest-Rate Risk: Duration - Florida International University

      a so-called zero-coupon bond, makes all of its payments at the end of the ten years, ... The duration of a coupon bond is also affected by its coupon rate. For example, consider a ten-year 20% coupon bond when the interest rate is 10%. Using the same procedure, we find that its duration at the higher 20% coupon rate is 5.98 years versus ...

    • [PDF File]MATH 4512 — Fundamentals of Mathematical Finance Topic One — Bond ...

      Relationship between duration and maturity 1. For zero-coupon bonds, duration is always equal to maturity. For all coupon-bearing bonds, we observe duration → 1 + 1 i when maturity increases infinitely. The limit is independent of the coupon rate. 2. Coupon rate ≥ interest rate (bonds above par)

    • [PDF File]Duration and Convexity of Zero-Coupon Convertible Bonds - UMM

      Schwartz (1980) to value a zero-coupon convertible corporate bond, from which we derive its duration and convexity. We will begin the analysis (Section II) with the duration and convexity of a zero-coupon convertible bond, a comparison with a straight (non-convertible) bond, and the response to parameter value changes. In Section III, we will

    • [PDF File]Lecture 09: Multi-period Model Fixed Income, Futures, Swaps

      Consider the 3-year zero-coupon bond with price $81.63 and yield 7% ... • The value of the resulting portfolio with duration zero is B 1 +NB 2 • Example 7.8 We own a 7-year 6% annual coupon bond yielding 7% Want to match its duration by shorting a 10-year, 8% bond yielding 7.5%

    • [PDF File]A Guide to Duration, DV01, and Yield Curve Risk Transformations

      duration. In practice a bond or other fixed-income security will often be valued off a yield curve, and we can extend the ... would be to work with zero-coupon yields of maturity 1, 2, 5, and 10 years. Using such a curve and such rates for our 10 year zero the partial DV01s would be: Table 1 - Partial DV01(w.r.t. zero yields) for 10 Year Zero Bond

    • [PDF File]Fixed-Income Securities Lecture 4: Hedging Interest Rate Risk Exposure ...

      E ective duration captures the good features of duration while addressing its lack of exibility. The e ective duration of an interest-sensitive security is the time-to-maturity of the zero-coupon bond with the same interest sensitivity. If we are looking at nonrandom claims, the e ective duration is equal to Macauley duration.

    • [PDF File]Understanding Duration - BlackRock

      rates, duration allows for the effective comparison of bonds with different maturities and coupon rates. For example, a 5-year zero coupon bond may be more sensitive to interest rate changes than a 7-year bond with a 6% coupon. By comparing the bonds’ durations, you may be able to anticipate the degree of

    • [PDF File]20 - Bond Duration and Convexity - Rutgers University

      Coupon Zero Coupon Zero Zero Coupon Bond Duration and Convexity Introduction (Continued) Bond Duration and Convexity Introduction (Continued) Economics of Capital Markets Version 1.0 Outline Page 10 The sensitivity of a bond’s value to changing interest rates depends on both the length of time to maturity and on the pattern

    • [PDF File]APPENDIX 3A: Duration and Immunization - Babson College

      maturity and duration zero-coupon bond or a coupon bond with a five-year duration, the FI would produce a $1,469 cash flow in five years, no matter what happens to interest rates in the immediate future. Next we consider the two strategies: buying five-year deep-discount bonds and buying five-year duration coupon bonds.

    • [PDF File]20 - Bond Duration and Convexity - Rutgers University

      Coupon Zero Coupon Zero Zero Coupon Bond Duration and Convexity Introduction (Continued) Bond Duration and Convexity Introduction (Continued) Economics of Capital Markets Version 1.0 Outline Page 10 The sensitivity of a bond’s value to changing interest rates depends on both the length of time to maturity and on the pattern

    • [PDF File]Chapter 11 - Duration, Convexity and Immunization - University of Florida

      Exercise 11-6:The current price of an annual coupon bond is 100. The derivative of the price of the bond with respect to the yield to maturity is -650. The yield to maturity is an effective rate of 7%. (a) Calculate the Macaulay duration of the bond. (b) Estimate the price of the bond using the approximation formula

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