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      contact_zip varchar2(9) This is the Zip code of the contact. This can be a 5-character Zip or a 9-character extended Zip (without the hyphen.) emission_code char(10) This code represents the electromagnetic energy radiated from an antenna. emission_id number(10) This number is the unique system-generated identifier for each emission record.

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      Assume also that there is a lookup table, with a numeric zip code as the primary key as well as the city and state information that the zip code maps to. Code to avoid all of the look-ups would look like this. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY direct_mkt AS. TYPE zip_array IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; zip_deref zip_array;

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    • [DOCX File]Operate an Automated Military Postal System …

      The AMPS database works well with Internet Explorer version 5.0 software to download data and print reports. The computer must also contain Microsoft Excel and Word, and must have the capability to print material from an internet browser.

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      Address - City - State - Zip Code ... Senior Database Administrator Free Resume Template Subject: ... administrator, resume, admin, template, custom, free, download Last modified by:

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    • [DOC File]LDSS-3370 Statewide Central Register Database …

      AGENCY LIAISON: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: The purpose of collecting the demographic data on other persons in your household who are not screened pursuant to Section 424-a of the Social Services Law is to enable the N.Y.S. Office of Children and Family Services to identify with the greatest degree of certainty, whether the person(s ...

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