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    • [DOC File]Thy Kingdom Come: A Handbook of ...


      The name "Palestine" is not found in the Bible. It has had a variety of meanings. Nelson's Bible Dictionary tells us how the word was first used: "The word itself originally identified the region as "the land of the Philistines," a war-like tribe that inhabited much of the region alongside the Hebrew people.

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      Bible Studies. on Maturity. Pathway to the Worthwhile. Life. Dick Gibbs. Bible Studies on Maturity: Pathway to the Worthwhile Life. Copyright © 2012 by William Dixon ...

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      Nov 01, 2019 · Published by Joy of Living Bible Studies. For a free catalog please contact us at: 800-999-2703 or 805-650-0838. website: www.joyofliving.org. e-mail: info@joyofliving.org

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      We recommend The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary as a starter dictionary. Bible dictionaries are an aid to understanding Bible names, places, geography, customs, backgrounds, doctrines, etc. Another helpful Bible study tool is a one volume commentary and/or Bible handbook (Unger's, Halley's, Eerdman’s, Mears, Matthew Henry, etc.). We must ...

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      You will find a very simple layout here. It is a 10-week guide that reviews BBG chapters 3-19. Each week has 4 sections. (1) Reading/Review: this section simply has you reading 1-6 pages of TNT, reviewing respective vocabulary in BBG, and answering a simple grammar question.

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