Bones and tendons in hand

    • [DOCX File]Rust Science

      The hand is made up of 19 bones: 5 metacarpals which form the palm and 14 phalanges which form the digits (fingers and thumb). These bones and their respective joints are commonly referred to by ...

      wrist bones and tendons

    • [DOC File]I

      ____ Form the palm of the hand ____ Upper arm bone ____ Rounded knob of the humerus that articulates with the radius ____ Bones of the wrist ____ Distal medial process on the humerus that articulates with the ulna ____ The fingers have three of these bones, but the thumb only has two

      muscle bones and tendons

    • [DOC File]Chapter 19: The Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

      One end of each tendon connects to hand muscles and the other is attached to the bone structure. Some tendons are attached to more than one phalanx (e.g., EXT), whereas others are attached to both the top and bottom sides of a phalanx (e.g., FDP).

      thumb bones and tendons

    • [DOC File]Title

      To move the skeleton, the muscles must be firmly attached to the bones by strong, inelastic tissues called "tendons." The muscles that operate the hand and fingers are located on the forearm. These muscles have long, cordlike tendons attached to the bones in the hand.

      tendon bone healing

    • Hand Anatomy Video | Medical Video Library

      The hand consists of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and skin and it is easy to take the complex anatomy, of the hand, for granted. Over time we become complacent to the workplace hazards and place our hands in the line of fire, or at-risk positions that can result in injury.

      tendons in hand and wrist

    • Chapter 8: Hand, Fingers and Thumb

      Metacarpal bones. The palm of the hand, consists of 5 bones. Metacarpals. Base, shaft and head. Each metacarpal consists of a proximal base, intermediate shaft and distal head. Numbered I to V, lateral to medial. The thumb is numbered I. Carpometacarpal joints. The articulation between the bases of the metacarpals and the distal row of carpals.

      tendons in hand cut

    • [DOCX File]Safe Hand Placement - EHS

      Be sure to palpate all the bones of wrist and hand during the evaluation. Soft tissue – muscles, tendons, joint capsules and ligaments surrounding joint. Soft tissue palpation should include the tendons crossing the wrist and the muscles involved in movement of the thumb as well as the digits. Be sure to check sites of pain and deformity

      tendon torn from bone

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