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    • National Type Evaluation Technical Committee

      A zero balance change, greater than 0.5 d, will not be set to zero by the zerotracking mechanism after a load has been resting on a scale for an extended period of time. However, because near capacity loads are rarely left on scales for 30 minutes in actual use, it is unlikely that there will be problems in the field.

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    • [DOCX File]

      The digitally controlled variant of the potentiometer will be the most defining feature of the load output system which will be monitored under the microcontroller to maintain a stable 1-1.2A output with a stable voltage so the super-capacitor array is drained at a constant discharge that allows for maximum time efficiency with the charge since ...

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    • § 63 - Gross Income - Lewis & Clark Law School

      So here, the basis in the new property is 10k (old basis) -20k (cash received) + 20k (recognized). Example 3: Blackacre held for trade use with a FMV of 100k and a basis of 90k exchanged for a property with a FMV of 80k with 20k in cash. First, the taxpayer would realize 100k and a gain realized of 10k. Then under 1031(b) 10k is recognized.

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    • Evidence Outline - Lewis & Clark Law School

      US v. Montana- demand- “it’s going to be $10k” allowed bc not offered for truth of matter asserted, offered to show say for pay deal existed. If “your father promised me $10k”, would not be allowed bc offered for truth . Sea Captain example. Implied Assertions. Putting on a sweater- person is cold

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    • [DOC File]Chapter 1: Intentionally Inflicted Harms

      If it is substantially certain that harm would occur, it’s battery—e.g. pulling out a chair under a woman as she sits down. Statistical lives v. Identified lives—coke isn’t a batterer for a 1/10K chance. Trespass—any entry into the close of another. Damage to the exclusive interest in ownership

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    • [DOC File]Maine DOT Conference on Long Range Economy

      Near retirees. Retirees. Professionals. Housing prices are still lower (less than half) of Massachusetts ... people will be able to use personal vehicles later in life as cars take over some driver functions. ... Maine DOT is under pressure to extend highways into the north and east to move business activity to depressed regions.

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    • [DOCX File]

      Group objects into categories (cars with cars, plates separated from cups). CD-11e: Use size and amount words to label objects, people, and collections (big truck, a lot of cookies, little baby).

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    • [DOC File]I

      Commissioner asserted that it should be treated as ordinary income, b/c in light of the relationship ME & TE, what ME was really doing is selling property as part of a business under § 1221(a)(1). Holding: The court has developed a framework used in determining whether sales of land are considered sales of a capital asset or sales of property ...

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    • These guidelines were compiled by the Houston Area Road ...

      If the race is near or crossing train tracks check the train schedule to ensure a passing train will not interfere with the race. Avoid Areas of Potentially Hazardous Footing. Hazardous or poor footing can be the result of construction in progress, bad road conditions, dirt surfaces which become muddy, uneven railroad crossings, curbs and roads ...

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    • [DOC File]I

      Stevens dissent: when powers are given under statute to private parties, there has to be joint participation. (i.e. Maggs being authorized to search people’s houses). Can’t just give powers to private parties and then say they’re not involved. Explanation court gives is broad. Civ Pro: judgment that you owe me $10K.

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